Part 2: Caught

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On ze right is Hailey James, though Hailey has green eyes.



Natalia Parker:

    I put my ballet shoes in my bag, rushing downstairs with my shirt over my shoulder. My mom laughs lightly as she see's me running down in my black skinnies and white lace bra. "Natalia, do not stress yourself, mi hija." Giving her a hug, I put a piece of bread in the toaster. Setting my bag down, I slip into the thin light pink long sleeves, hiding my scars. They didn't know I was cutter, they just thought from the time I spent walking through the woods to get home from dance class was how I got them. 

    Dad stops the car as I look out at the school. It was preppy no doubt. Huge, very huge. The windows are tinted with a light fog and yet, I still knew it was like a palace. I take a deep breath, running my hands through my wavy locks of brown hair. Opening the door, the cool air nips at my nose. I wave goodbye to my dad as I look back at the seemingly empty school. Yes, I was here early. I didn't want them seeing how broken down my family's car was, nor did I want to walk into a crowd of people that I didn't know.

    Once inside, I head directly to the dance studio. I look around in awe. It was huge and glamorous, nothing like the studio I get lessons at. Putting my bag down, I slip out the ballet shoes and tie them up. Taking a deep breath, I begin to practice, believing that no one was around.

Liam Butler:

Groaning as I take a seat on the city bus, I put my headphones on. Eff, my life.I didn't want to go to a prep school, even though my parents can afford it for both Charlie and I. It's not my scene. But now, I have to. My fingers tap against my silver lip ring along to the beat of the music. Dressed in black jeans, a My Chemical Romance t-shirt, and a leather jacket, I was the staring stock of the bus, as usual.

Wait till I get to that prep school...

Charlie Butler:

Rolling over in the Queen-sized bed, I reach out for my phone. Groaning as I read a text from Cassis, my girlfriend, I sit up, still half asleep. I text her back about an hour or two later. It would be nicer to wake up with you in my bed, being woken up by soft kisses...than a text. ;) Finally getting out of bed, I call out, "MOM! DAD! LIAM!" No one answers. Damn, I got to make breakfast myself.

Natalia Parker:

Finishing up the routine, I gracefully bow to the floor. It's then that I hear a ring tone going off; not mine, though. Jumping up lightly, I turn around to face where the noise came from. Looking over, there is a girl staring at me then hurrying to hush her phone. I blush lightly before picking my stuff up and rushing out of the studio through the other door.

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