Part 14: Her Jacket

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Cassis James:

I park the truck in the lot outside the regular mall, figuring the higher end one would be entirely out of Parker's range. Arizona won't mind, I know; for her, a mall is a mall is a mall. I hop down from my side, Arizona's toned legs following in denim shorts. While she is letting herself down, I head over to the passenger side to offer Natalia a hand down.

Once she is down, I pull out two fifty dollar bills and discreetly hand them to her. "I forgot to pay you for Friday's tutoring," I explain nonchalantly before turning away. Arizona comes around and proceeds to tow us along by an arm each towards the entrance of the mall.

When she lets us go at the door, I open it, holding it for both of them. Arizona goes first, jumping as high as she can to try to reach the top of the doorframe. Which, of course, she can't. I follow in after Parker, the glass door shutting behind me.

Natalia Parker:

Slipping the money in my purse, looking around to see if anyone was looking, I follow after Arizona.

My cheeks burn lightly at the thought of the pictures in my purse. I shouldn't have them, yet I do. Why? Why did I have to print them out? I should tell her. I should tell her about the pictures. I should tell her about the shower. I should tell her that I like her.

The cool air of the mall surrounds my legs, making me shiver lightly. I rub my hands together, looking around me.

I've never been to a mall. I haven't even heard of half the stores. Not knowing what way to go, I look to Cassis and Arizona. "So, where are we going first?"

Cassis James:

Natalia, beside me, looks around in awe. As if this is new for her. I purse my lips together when I see her shiver, and take her hand gently. "Cold?" I ask softly, leading her after Arizona, who veers left into a store at random. Biting my lip as I debate with myself internally, I decide that it's okay to put my arm around her. Like a friend. Friends do that, right?

"Bitches, where you at?" my best friend calls from behind a rack before appearing in front of us, a few outfits hanging over her shoulder. "Is this your size?" Arizona holds up a dressy shirt to Natalia's chest, inspecting it, before hanging it up on a random rack where it obviously does not belong. "No, I don't like it. Too Hailey." I roll my eyes, chuckling.

She soon decides she doesn't like anything in this store, so she leaves her things on whatever rack she pleases and drags us out of the store. Upon spotting a store she likes, she gasps dramatically and pulls us both in that direction. At the entrance, she shuffles through a rack and holds up a black shirt much like her own with the back shredded, though slightly less so.

"Too you," I tease, grinning. Arizona sticks out her tongue, but puts the shirt back. She then thrusts a white version of the same shirt into Natalia's hands.

"Try it. Oh, hey, these are all on sale," she sings happily, prancing around the corner to find more.

Natalia Parker:

Looking at the shirt she's thrusted at me, I make a face. This is certainly not me. As Arizona progresses further into store, I hang the shirt back upon the rack. Looking around the store, I find that it's just way too much. A shirt for thirty-eight dollars? That's like three meals for my family.

Cassis James:

Looking through a particularly uninteresting rack, I watch as the Jones girl checks the price tags. I bite my lip, realizing this may have been a bad idea. Perhaps she truly cannot afford to shop here, or right now.

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