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Madison's POV 

I decided to let Thomas finish up breakfast so I could check on Philip. But like most men trying to cook he was screwing up the entire thing.

"For the love of god Thomas have you even watched someone cook before?" I said grabbing the pan of eggs seasoned with eggshells. 

"Here take Philip I'll handle this." I shoved Philip into Thomas's arms and dumped the eggs in the garbage.

"Hey those aren't free you know."

"If you would like to eat them then go ahead nobody's stopping you."

Thomas grumbled and raised Philip to eye level.

"Now what am I supposed to do with you?"

"How about you give him breakfast?"

He turned to me.

"You want to tell me what little Hamilton eats?"

"Dear lord Thomas, you are useless with this type of stuff aren't you?"

He rolled his eyes and put Philip on the table.

"I'm sorry I haven't had a child to take care of."

The door to the bathroom flew open slamming against the wall revealing Alex in clothes a size too big hanging off his frail form. His eyes were red, probably from lack of sleep and his lips were set in a determined form. His eyes flicked from me to Thomas then finally landed on Philip.

Thomas lower Philip and sat him on the counter. "Hey Hammy, how do I feed him?"

Alex grumbled something under his breath then walked up and took Philip from Thomas. 

"First off, you don't"

He swung open the fridge and grabbed some baby food and a spoon from the drawer. He held Philip in the crook of his arm and put the jar on the table and started spoon feeding Philip. I looked at the stove and realized that I should be off.

"Hey guys, I've got to head home but im guessing your fine without me?"

Thomas flashed me a thumbs up and Alex mumbled something that resembled a yes. I grabbed the few things I brought with me and hurried out the door. As soon as the door closed I heard Thomas ask to hold Philip with a mix of a scream and the word no as a reply from Alex. Well they had to learn to get along one way or another. 

Hey, ya'll just want to let you know that I published a short story that I wrote for my English class. I thought it was pretty good so it would mean a lot if you would like to check it out.

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