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A/N I had more written out for the chapter but I can't get it to sit right for me. This is just going to be a mini one until I can edit the rest of it

I watched with narrow eyes as Jefferson walked out of my office with Philip who's cries had softened.

I half-walked half-jogged after him struggling to match his pace. He looked down at me and smirked how I was in the in-between pace.

As we stepped into the elevator I entered in the lower level and it began its slow decent down.

At floor 3 it dinged to a stop and there stood Burr. An awkward silence filled the air before he turned on his heel and walked away from the elevator.

The doors closed again and we got out of the first floor. Jefferson started at his stupid pace towards the back exit. I did my half jog to try and keep up as he threw open the door and walked into the parking lot. He pulled out his keys and unlocked a bright red mustang.

He swung open the divers door and plopped himself into the seat. I hesitated a moment before carefully getting into the car, knowing it was worth more than me. Jefferson handed Philip to me.

"Probably don't want me driving with him."

I nodded and he handed Philip to me and started the car.

The majority of the car ride was in an awkward silence mostly consisting of Jefferson's obnoxiously loud music and him humming along while Philip softly cried on and off. In total the ride was about 15 minutes and I think that just broke the record for how long I had ever been near him without arguing.

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