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"Alex!" Herc shouted in his gruff voice. "Tell me all the details, because when I find this guy he's going to regret ever touching you."

Laf shoved him out of the way and hugged me, I winced a little but hid it well enough that no one noticed.

"J'ai entendu dire que tu as été blessé mon ami!" (I thought you were hurt my friend.")

"Ne t'inquiète pas, je serai de retour assez tôt" (Don't worry, I'll be back at it soon enough)

"Alex, nous savons que tu es blessé. C'est bon de l'admettre." (Alex, we know that your hurt. It's ok to admit it.)

"Je vais bien" (I'm fine)

Herc rolled his eyes and stepped in front of Laf.

"Listen, I know you girls like to speak all elegantly, but for our sake." Herc motioned to himself and John. "Please speak English."

I had to laugh at that while Laf stared at Herc and bit the side of his cheek obviously annoyed.

John came up to me last holding Philip who was perfectly sleeping and silent. He smiled and gave me a side hug as not to wake Philip.

"I take it Philip hasn't been a problem?"

"He's been an angel, you've got the ideal kid right there."

All of us laughed at that especially Laf who seemed like he was going to choke.

"Mon ami, you don't even have a girlfriend. How do you expect to have a kid?" He gasped out barely breathing at this point. Herc patted his back while Laurens turned a whole new shade of red.

He shuffled his feet. "Maybe I don't need one."

Herc looked up from trying to help Laf "Do you have something to tell us John" He wiggled his eyebrows. "I knew that I was attractive but not enough to turn a man gay."

This caused Laf to start wheezing and he leaned against the bed to support himself. He stopped laughing for a second and tried to contain himself, but then looked straight at John and started into another fit of laughter.

I wrapped my good arm around John's shoulder who was at this point more of a tomato then himself. "You can date whoever you want." I smiled. "But if I'm hot then tell me."

I didn't even know what Laf was doing at this point, he was sitting on the bed with one arm supporting himself while making loud wheezing noises.


The four of us had been joking around for hours now and by my guess, it was a little past lunch hour.

We were all sitting on my bed with Philip now on my lap, who was still sound asleep. Laf had calmed down a bit but still broke out into laughing fits whenever someone made a good joke.

A couple of soft knocks made me turn around, facing the door.

"I'll get it." I said not wanting to make the others get up.

I opened up the door expecting it to be a nurse but instead stood James, with a bag full of little candies.

"I came a bit early to check up on you." He looked back into the room. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything, I can come back later."

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