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Madison's POV

The only thing that the front had to offer was an old cradle that they wanted back in a few days. I made sure to try and hurry up the elevator but I could only go so fast while carrying it.

I let myself into Thomas's apartment to see him in the kitchen.

"Why aren't you with Alex?" I hissed pointing to his room.

"I just thought that maybe you would need help with Philip. Plus he's asleep so he's probably fine."

"He is not just 'fine' get back in there."

"Don't you need help?"

"I am completely capable of taking care of Philip. Thomas get in there and help him."

He held his hands in the air looking surprised and walked back into Alex's room.

I picked up Philip and moved his blankets into the cradle. I placed him on my knee and watched as he giggled. I lifted his arms up and swayed them back and forth as if he was dancing. I smiled and placed my forehead against his. I stood up with him and danced around with him in my arms. He stared back up at me with his bright green eyes looking confused but giggling anyway. I lifted him up and looked up at him. I brought him down again.

"Let's go check up on those two turkeys."

I walked in on the two of them under the blankets with Thomas's arms around Alex. Alex was asleep and Thomas looked like he was on the verge of it. I smiled to myself and made sure to close the door softly behind myself.

I looked back at Philip.

"Now what are we going to do with those two." I smiled down at Philip.

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