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Alex's POV

I held Philip as Jefferson turned the key in the car as it started up with a roar of the engine.

"I'll drop you off at your place" He said turning to me. "Whats your address?"

"17776 Homestead rd. It's in Hunts Point"

"You live in Hunts Point?"

"Yeah, it can be a bit tough sometimes but its not all that bad"

"Im suppose to drop you off in Hunts Point? In this car?"

"Fine. Just drop me off at Barretto Point Park"

"Thats still near Hunts Point do you want this car to be stolen?"

"Then drop me off however close you can go without risking your 'precious car'"

"I'll go to the park but I swear if anything happens to this car I swear I won't let it go"

"Your car is going to be fine. Just drive."

"No please or thank you?"

I rolled me eyes.

"Please drive this car. Thank you."


He grinned

"How about your royalty? I like the ring of that."

He waved his arm out dramatically. "I'd make great royalty"

"Nice try Jefferson but sorry to tell you but theres no royalty in America.""

"How about President Jefferson"

"No one would vote for you"

"I don't Hamilton I think I would win it"

"Keep dreaming."

We pulled up to the park. The sun was just started to start and I knew that I would have to walk quickly if I wanted to avoid to the nightlife of Hunts Point.

"Heres your stop"

"Hey Jefferson" I said turning to him "Thanks for everything today. Im serious you really helped Philip and I"

A small smile formed on his face

"Hamilton. I'm sorry for what I said today, really"

I nodded and grabbed the groceries from his trunk. I had to close the door with my foot since my hands were full of groceries and Philip who was nestled in the crook of my arm.

I watched as the mustang pulled away and began a jog trying to reach my apartment before New York was covered in complete darkness.

About fifteen minutes had passed and only a few rays of sunlight kept the shadows back.

I began to panic and picked up my pace I felt my breath pick up rapidly as I checked every ally I passed praying I could just get to my building.

The temperature was dropping quickly as it usually did around autumn in the northern parts of the country. 

I felt my foot catch on an uneven chunk of sidewalk and instinctively landed on my back making sure Philip didn't take any damage. I felt my elbow slam into the concrete as pain jolted through my arm. 

With my good arm which I had been carrying Philip with I placed him on my lap and propped myself up wincing in pain as I look around.

My grocery bag had ripped and everything Jefferson had bought me lay around haphazardly on the sidewalk.

I noticed a jar of baby food had shattered and shards of glass reflected in the streetlight.

I felt a wail build up in my throat as I felt helpless as I looked around myself.

Poor Philip who had obviously been startled began to whine.

I tried to hush him as I didn't need anyone seeing us as the nightlife in Hunts Point was never good.

I reached for my phone and tried to call my friend John but it went straight to voicemail. I attempted to call the rest of my friends; I even called Aaron, but even he didn't pick up.

There was only number left in my contacts. James Madison.

I didn't know what our relationship was at the moment. He didn't talk to me since Jefferson came but it was worth a shot.

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