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I pushed open the glass doors to Washington Firm. The law firm I worked at wasn't one of those ones where you stand in court fighting for rights. Not the ones you see on TV or in movies where a secret witness appears and makes everything right. At least not in my branch. I worked in taxes. Thats right, a job filled with paperwork left and right and a measly salary of 58k a year. Which you might be saying 'thats not to bad' but when you live in New York City it doesn't get you far. I walked over to the elevator and clicked the button for the 5th floor. The elevator began its slow rise to the top when it jolted to a stop on floor 3.

The doors opened and Mr. Washington stepped in.

He looked down at the carrier then back up at me.

"Is that your son?" He asked looked skeptically down at Philip.

"Yes sir, I umm couldn't hire a babysitter today so I brought him, I hope its ok"

"It's fine as long as he doesn't cause any distractions. Also Alex, theres a meeting today at 10. Jefferson will be there, its a meeting for the heads of all the branches. I know you can outdo him son" Mr. Washington smiled at me

The elevator jolted to a stop at the 5th floor and I stepped out

"Good luck Alex"

I nodded back. It had to be Jefferson. He was the head of the Injury Branch, thats where the action happens. I on the other hand am in taxes, a couple steps down compared to him and he makes sure I don't forget it.

I pushed open my office door and set Philip and his carrier down. It was around 9 right now giving me about an hour till the meeting. I picked up a stack of late taxes and began to work.

Before I knew it 10 had almost rolled around so I packed my work up in my computer bag grabbed sleeping Philip and walked to the board office.

I was a bit early so it was just me Washington and Aaron Burr. I set Philip down beside me and watched him shift a bit in his sleep before spreading one of my binders out on the table. It was the same meeting we had every year. Budget cuts and/or what we should focus on most in the coming year.

I was ripped out of thought as Jefferson and Madison walked through the door. Jefferson was wearing the most pompous magenta suit I had ever seen and Madison followed with a simple beige one. I use to enjoy Madison, I worked on a lot of projects with him until he was relocated to the injury branch.

I watched as others such as Theodosia walked into the meeting.

Mr. Washington stood up signaling the start of the meeting.

"Alright everyone" He called as the small talk started to cease "I think we all know what this meeting is about. Planning for the new year. We had an overall increase of 5% in profits last year so thank you all for your work. If we keep this up that mean improvements in all the branches of the firm. This extra 5% will be going into next years budget, any suggestions as to where to put it?"

Jefferson immediately jumped onto the question "Well sir, I feel as if the injury branch's offices should be remodeled. Its kinda drab to look around at outdated furniture and i feel as if it would help the work ethic around here" Jefferson made eye contact with me and smirked "And a raise wouldn't hurt since we are known to be the most efficient branch of this company."

I stared in disbelief and anger. This man, the head of the injury department meaning he got paid bucket loads of cash was asking for a raise?

"Absolutely not Mr. Jefferson. I say we hire another lawyer in the tax department to lighten the massive load of paperwork we have, and if we're giving out raises give it to us. We happen to be the most underpaid branch here." I immediately said. "We are out here working out tails off while your just the poster boys for the company"

He cocked his head to one side. "Well maybe if you worked in a more important branch you would be a bit better off, when a kid says they want to be a lawyer are they talking about crime and injuries or filing for petty tax evasion."

"Quiet down you two" Mr. Washington stood up "Both you play an important roll in keeping this company, Mr. Jefferson happens to be in more of the field work such as being actively in a court room so he gets paid as such. Theres no increase in your salaries this year because I personally would like to focus on more improvements here at the office itself."

"Mr. Washington"

"Alex, I'm looking for improvements, not raises"

"Mr. Washington I'm a head of one of these branches I should deserve more than dog scraps around here"

"Hamilton be grateful this company took you, you didn't even finish your law degree. Real lawyers get paid, I help people, bring justice to the injured. What do you do sit at a desk all day? That sounds so hard. Do us all a favor and go back to what ever island you where from. I bet your brother will be excited to see you, especially after you left him on his own in the middle of the Caribbean."

I heard multiple gasps come from around the room, even Madison looked shaken by Jefferson's comments. How did he know about my past was the one thing that really bothered me.

Philip started to stir and I knew he was a few moments away from crying. I picked him up and rocked him back and forth desperately trying to put him back to sleep before he caused any disruption.

Jefferson smirked and looked down at my child and I knew that meant nothing good.

"Thats your kid Hamilton? How pathetic why would you ever make a child grow up know that your his dad. Look at those freckles it looks more like an animal than a kid. And for the greater good don't take it to work I don't want to have to look at it every time I walk past your pathetic tax branch."

"Jefferson!" I vaguely heard Washington shout 

I started to zone out, like everything was underwater out of the corner of my eye I saw Theodosia jump up and saying words my brain didn't want to process. Madison looked horrified and Burr looked uncomfortable.

I clutched my son to my chest and ran out of the room trying to stop the hot tears from streaking across my face. It was one thing to insult me but a whole different situation to insult my son, the only thing I had left of Eliza. 

I ran until I reached my office taking the stairs instead of the elevator to escape the looks I got from my coworkers.

I slammed the door behind me clutching Philip close. I kissed the top of his head trying desperately to forget Jefferson's cruel comments. I felt my fist clench hating Jefferson with every part of myself. I would make Philip proud of his father.

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