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Hamilton's POV

I lowered my self down as I lay among the shards of glass littering the walkway.

Philip had begun to cry and didn't even have the energy to stop him.

The pain in my elbow had grown to a fire burning my entire arm. I guessed it was broken by the odd angle it was at. My vision had become blurry with pain and I felt like screaming.

I saw a figure walking up to me. They were tall wearing a black jacket with dark blue jeans. I heard them laugh and I instantly knew they weren't here to help.

I knew I had to do something. I jolted to an upright position with Philip back on my lap.

Another shot of pain flew up my arm but I knew better than to act defenseless when in danger.

The figure drew back his foot and I felt his shoe make contact with my side. I felt a shard of glass dig into my injured arm making me screech in pain.

I pulled it out watching crimson red blood drip from the tip. I held it in front of me as if it would protect me.

The figure just laughed harder as my pathetic state but it seemed far off. Like he was underwater.

I saw him draw his foot back again ready to strike me.

As his foot came forward I use what was left of my strength to swipe at him with my shard.

I heard him cry out as his jeans were ripped and blood began to stain them. He said something else but by now I had almost completely lost consciousness. In the distance which sounded like miles I heard the revving of a sports car.

I heard shouts and felt Philip being lifted off of me. I opened my mouth trying to protest. Trying to swim above the surface and take back my son.

I opened my eyes seeing Jefferson putting Philip into the car. I saw him leaning over me picking me up bridal style.

I groaned as my broken arm was moved. He placed into the car seat which was leaned back as far as it could go.

He collected my groceries putting them into the truck before taking Philip out of the seat and into one of his arms with the other hand on the wheel.

I felt as the car raced down the streets of New York as I slowly faded out.

The figure loomed over me kicking me repeatedly. I felt him yank Philip out of arms. I screamed at the top of my lungs but this time there was no one to save me.

I jolted awake in a foreign room dressed in a hospital robe. My arm was covered in a cast and I had a bandage on my side. A nurse was folding a blanket of some sort in the corner. I looked around frantically for Philip. He had to be here somewhere.

"Wheres my son?"

The nurse looked over at me with surprise seeing that I was awake.

"I need my son. Where is he?" I said panicing

"Calm down. He's outside with your friend."


"He said his name was Thomas"

I tried to hop out of bed but was stopped by the nurse.

"Please I need to see my son"

"Sir, I understand but your not in the condition to walk. Take my shoulder"

I leaned against her for support and struggled outside my room to see Jefferson holding Philip. I tried to go faster but the nurse stopped me.

"Is he ok? Is Philip ok?"

Jefferson looked up relief in his eyes.

"Hamilton, I thought you were gone. I am so sorry, I shouldn't have been so worried about the car and just dropped you off at your house. Please, I know that you probably look at me as scum right now but please... please take my apology."

"It's not your fault. You weren't the one who attacked me. Please let me hold Philip."

The nurse helped me into a chair next to Jefferson. He passed me Philip and I instantly noticed a small cut on one of his beautiful cheeks. I felt my eyes water as someone had gone so low to attack my child.

"Im so sorry Philip" I whispered to him as quiet as I could.

"Hamilton I don't think you should stay in you apartment anymore."

"And go where? I can't afford to live anywhere else."

"Stay with me. Just temporally until your able to get a better apartment."

"I can't do that to you. I'v already costed you to much time and effort, I mean you bought me groceries and saved me."

"I had to save you because of my selfish reasons not to drop you off at your building."

"But it was my fault I was clumsy and fell."

"Please, its the least I can do. I have a spare bedroom and I live right near work."

"I guess so. But this is only going to be for a little while."

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