Another one of the little scene things oops

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Authors note: hey you guys! Im back. Ive been really struggling these past months. With my beloved angel Winnie dying, my depression grew and took over my life. Exactly 7 weeks after her death was going to be her birthday had she made it, and the event took an even worse toll on me. That along with the start of school and so much drama, my life has been kind of awful lately. I decided i would try to fall back in love with something, and lucky for you guys it was writing. I hope you guys enjoy these and im sorry about my absence. XOXO

"Your hands are so tiny!"

"What! Theyre not that small!" I call out defensively as Ben pulls my hand up to his own, comparing the size of our palms and length of our fingers. The warmth of his body feels nice against my cold skin, and i notice the prominent vein on the right side of the back of his hand. I wanted to intertwine myself with his long, limber fingers when he pulled them away.

I pulled myself out of my fairytale and laughed at the comparison.

"See? Tiny tiny baby hands."

"Maybe you just have big hands!"

We resumed our lauhter and previous conversations. I had never liked ben in that way before, and now its all i can think about. I went from staring at the memes he would show me to staring at his lips or the floor. Hopefully this is just another silly crush soon to pass.

I can still feel the warmth of his fingers pressed against mine, still imagining our hands interlocked.

Bens POV (mostly his inner thoughts. Also this is set in like a chatroom type thing so its all computer oops)

4:54 am

Finally, the green dot popped up next to their username. Ive been waiting for a couple hours for y/n to wake up. Its silly, but talking to them is honestly the highlight of my day. I mean, theyre so funny and amazing. I dont wanna look like a stalker, so ill wait a few minutes to text them.


Screw waiting a few minutes. I gotta talk to them. Ill just scroll to their username aaaannnnddd-


Its orange again.

Okay, okay, no big deal. Ill just...text them and see if they respond. Surely i wont be bothering y/n, right? Right? Please say im right. But the next problem is what do i say?

"Hey y/n, i saw you were up and"

No no no, thats all wrong

"Sup y/n"

Nah, thats not me.


"Good morning Ben! Ill be over in manhattan doing some crew work for a show. Wanna meet up some time today?"

Oh thank god they texted first.

How to reply, how to reply...

"Yeah! Sounds great!"

Does that sound too desperate? Yeah.

"I mean, i guess so"

No, that sounds too uninterested.

"Sure! What time?"

Yeah thats the one, ill just hit send here and...

Oh no. 3 dots. What are they gonna say? Maybe they changed their mind. Or theres another ben they meant to text. Oh god what if its a typo and it was for like....hen? Beb? Heb? Oh no oh no o-


Hows 11:15? Ill be on luch and we can grab a bite to eat or walk around a bit?"

Whoo, thank god. Okay ben, just breath. Just send what youre thinking, itll be fine.

"11:15 sounds great! Do you have a place in mind?"


"Not yet but ill let you know as soon as i figure something out. I cant wait to see you! XO"

Xo. As in xoxo? Whats that supposed to mean? God this is so frustrating. What do i say back? Do i send an xo? Leave them on read? If theres a god up there please send me a sign!

"Haha yeah, sounds great!"

Should i add the xo? Maybe just an X and then if theyre weirded out i can say its a typo? Leave it off all together?

"Haha yeah, sounds great! xo."

Im gonna go for it.


And now to wait for 11:15 and hope we're still on.


a few weeks ago, my friend Ben had broken up with his longtime girlfriend, who just so happened to be one of my best friends since middle school. I actually met Ben through her, and thank god i did. We realized we had similar humor and grew closer in the year or so we've known each other. For some reason, in the midst of the messy breakup, i was his crutch. He came to me for advice and to rant. He came to me when he was feeling sad. He always came to me and no one else. Not gonna lie, it felt really good to be needed, and for some reason, it felt really good to be needed by him.

he continued to message me for the next month or two after the breakup, as rumors were spreading and ill feelings grew stronger between my two friends. His ex never talked to me about it, despite our relationship, so i opted to take Bens side on the issue as it was the only thing i had. I felt bad for him. His ex was supposedly saying awful things about him, his self esteem was constantly lowering each day they were apart, he didnt think he knew how to live without her. He always came to me about it. He needed me to help him. It felt good to be needed by him.

As he continued on, my pity for him soon turned into anger torwards his ex. I was adapting to his feelings. And the angrier i got,

The more i realized i loved him.

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