Chapter 39

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Song in multimedia: Lana Del Rey- Young and Beautiful

Finishing up a long night/morning shift at work, Mike headed up to Ebony's therapists office to pick her up. Her brother dropped her off for a session and Mike offered to pick her up afterwards. Ebony had been going to therapy twice a week for a week now to help with her problem areas.

Since she was already familiar with the therapist, it was a bit easier for her to open up and release whatever she had on her mind. Ebony felt determined to get back on track even though at times she wanted to do the opposite. She had a lot of people pushing her towards greatness which gave her the confidence to strive for a healthier mindset.

"How was it today?" Mike gave her a kiss once she got in the car.

"Good. I feel so much lighter on the inside. I cried a lot too and she said that was good because when I came to her the other times, I was holding a lot in. I didn't hold anything in and I didn't care about her judging me. I cursed a lot. Ughhh, it was much needed to actually say it instead of writing." Ebony smiled.

"What y'all talk about? Never mind, that ain't none of my business. Don't tell me." Mike drove down the street.

"The miscarriage, people getting on my nerves. She said we have a lot to cover. And I told her about the rage room I went to with Qui yesterday. I let her know how good it felt to destroy shit and she said it was normal."

"Did you tell her about you meeting with La'Shonda today? I don't want you to end up clicking out on her."

"I did. She gave me some advice and I'm glad I'm in a good mood right now."

"Fingers crossed that my sister doesn't cry and you don't get irritated with her."

"I already know that you had something to do with this so I'll try to be on my best behavior."

"What? Me?" Mike asked as if this whole thing wasn't his idea.

"I'm not stupid. I'm sure you said something to her and that's the only reason she invited me to her house to talk. I told her I would beat her until she was unrecognizable, there's no way she would just invite me over after that." She shook her head.

"You said that? Pooda, wow." He chuckled.

"That's why I'm going back to therapy. Fuck. I'll admit that I need help."

Mike drove over to La'Shonda's so that her and Ebony could sit down and talk. Ebony didn't feel like hashing things out or apologizing, but she needed a job. She was hoping things went well, but she definitely wasn't going to suck up to La'Shonda. Swallowing her pride was a difficult task and her therapist told her to be mature and own up to what happened.

When they arrived at La'Shonda's place, Mike knocked on the front door. She greeted the two of them with a smile and allowed them in. La'Shonda gave her brother a hug and then Mike walked away to speak to his niece really quick. Ebony awkwardly stood by the front door alone.

"Okay, I'll be back in about an hour, maybe?" Mike stated.

"What the hell." Ebony didn't want to be left alone.

"You're leaving?" La'Shonda felt the same.

"Yeah. Y'all both grown women who are mature enough to handle a conversation without me. Ebony, my niece is in her room. La'Shonda, same for you. This is something y'all two need to deal with, no need for a middleman."

"You can at least sit in the car. You don't need to leave me for an hour." Ebony scoffed, feeling her attitude rise.

"Fine, I'll be outside." He left.

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