Chapter 12

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Song in multimedia: SupahBadd- 9th Ward

Thanksgiving 2019

After a couple rounds and a hot shower, Ebony and Mike laid in her bed. Both were still tired because it was early in the morning. Ebony laid her head on his chest, twiddling with the fine hairs on his stomach. Mike closed his eyes to the room and listened to her slow, deep breathing. As he did so, his hand gently stroked the back of her neck.

"What's going on?" He asked with his eyes still closed.

"Huh?" Ebony sat up to look at him.

"You been quiet this whole time and it didn't seem like you was feeling it." Mike opened his eyes.

"I'm tired, that's why." She faked a yawn.

"You seem more than tired. Something wrong?"

"Nah. I'm honestly tired." Ebony placed her head back on his chest.

"Okay. What's keeping you from going back to sleep?" Mike rubbed her back.

"Can I tell you something? It might be weird. So if you get mad, I'll understand that."

"You can tell me anything. Remember that."

"Last Thanksgiving...I saw Trell." She sat up again and he did the same.

"Okay? That was your friend."

"And we had sex. It was our last time having sex and I can't get it out of my head. Not in a sexual way, but in a weird way that I can't explain." Ebony rubbed the bridge of her nose with tears in her eyes.

"Us having sex made you think about that?"

"Yeah, but not really because I was already thinking about it. And again, not in a turned on way. It was just on my mind. Like, that was really our last time. I remember everything about that night. I had family issues going on; my brothers was into it. He said he was there for me or some shit like that, and I thought that was the cutest thing." She let her tears fall.

"That's normal, you just thinking about y'all last moments together. I'm not mad, you still mourning and that's okay." He wiped her face.

"Ughh, I hate when I be crying. That shit be blowing me. These upcoming months, you bout to be seeing me crying my eyes out. In December and February."

"Even though you buku tough, you not a robot. Plus this year you got plans to take ya' mind off the sad stuff. What you doing for ya' birthday besides the cruise?"

"I'm not doing nothing. The cruise is like two weeks before my birthday so that don't count. I'm not doing nothing cause I don't deserve to do nothing."

"We gone do something and it'll be Valentine's Day too. We'll do something for sure." Mike held onto her waist, already getting ideas of how he wanted to surprise Ebony.

"Noooo. You making me sad." She covered her face.

"Aight, I'll let it go. You want me to cheer you up?" He ran his finger across her underwear.

"No. Something wrong with you."

"How come something wrong?" He chuckled.

"Because you just keep going and going. You was like that with the other girls?"

"I can't help that my sex drive high. Why you worried about them?" Mike tickled Ebony, causing her to squirm.

"I'm not worried about them, I'm worried about you. Let me find out you be popping X pills. La' energizer bunny." Ebony laughed, trying to stop him.

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