Chapter 1

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Please read the first Jungle 3 before reading this one. This is a continuation of Jungle 3. You'll be super confused and you'll miss very important detail if you read this one first.

August 2019

Preparing for her movie date with Mike, Ebony brushed her teeth to remove the marijuana taste and odor. With foam covering her lips, Ebony looked at her red eyes in the mirror and then spit into the sink. Ebony licked her lips and brushed her tongue once more before rinsing her mouth out.

After that, she put a couple of eye drops in each eye to calm her dry eyes. Ebony then applied a mocha colored lipstick and exited the bathroom. She entered her room, stepping over a pile of boxes that contained her belongings. With most of her heels packed up, she put on a pair of low top Vans to go with her jeans and black tank top.

"Cousin, I can't find my weave brush. Can I use yours?" Ebony went into Rudy's room that was also filled with boxes.

"Here. I'm bout ready to tear these boxes open, I was being dumb by packing all my good clothes." Rudy tossed Ebony her brush.

"On me! My dumb ass put everything away." Ebony brushed her black hair.

After coming to a mutual decision, Ebony and Rudy decided it was time to upgrade apartments. Both of their incomes had increased and they wanted more space. They quickly started searching, found something nice, and they were approved in less than a month.

"We only got a week left anyway. I'll just wear these four la' outfits over until then." Rudy shrugged.

"Better mix match that shit. I'm out, I'll see you later."

"Aight, have fun with your boo." Rudy waved.

"I will."

"Wait. Did you just admit that that's ya' mans? Ooo, cousin! I see you!" Rudy laughed and Ebony flicked her off.

Ebony got inside her Jeep and drove to Mike's apartment. In the last month and a half, the two of them continue to spend time with one another—going on little dates and visiting each other during their free time. Although Mike still has a crush on Ebony, he no longer brings it up to avoid Ebony turning him down again.

"I'm outside." Ebony had her phone on speaker as she sat outside of his apartment.

"Umm, come inside. My mama and cousin here and it might be a minute before I come out." He responded.

"I ain't going in there. The movie gone start and I'm a be pissed if I miss the trailers."

"Just for a second so I can get rid of them."

"You blows it. Here I come." She smacked her lips and hung up.

Reeking of marijuana, Ebony parked her car and went towards Mike's door. He let her in and she shook her head. Mike's male cousin stood in the kitchen running his mouth to Mike's mother who was somewhere in his bedroom.

"Y'all know each other, huh? He used to work at the store for La'Shonda." Mike pointed to his cousin on his dads side.

"Okay, she's cute. I remember her. I quit when she got hired." He waved.

"Yeah. I remember you too." Ebony snickered.

"Mike! Buy me some of these shoes!" Mike's mother, Monica walked out of his room, holding up his black 8's.

"No. Buy ya' own shoes. Why you in my room anyway?" He smiled at her.

"Nigga, you came outta my pussy. I can be in your room and all over this place." She playfully threw the shoe at him.

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