Chapter 3

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Song in multimedia: Trippie Redd- Uka Uka

Move in day.

With everything packed and moved out, Ebony and Rudy were ready to head to their new apartment complex. Before turning in their keys, the landlord needed to examine the apartment. Their bedrooms were in good standing, but the blood stain on the living room carpet was going to cost a fine. Ebony took the blame and told the landlord she would pay the fine.

After the examination, they turned in their keys and left. Trailing Rudy and Ebony were her brothers. Like last time, they were helping her with the moving process. Rudy was thankful for them because they helped with her stuff as well. Once they made it to the apartment complex, Rudy and Ebony spoke with their new landlord to receive their keys and keycard for the gate.

"Do you guys need any help moving things in?" The landlord asked after taking them to their apartment.

"No thanks. I think we have everything pretty much taken care of." Ebony smiled.

"Okay. Let me know if you all need anything else."

"Which room yours, Ebony?" Hakeem asked.

"This one on the left." She pointed.

"I can start grabbing my boxes." Rudy said, heading out to Xavier's truck.

"I ain't doing shit." Ebony sat on the living room floor.

"This girl so lazy." Rashad shook his head.

"She better get up. I'll leave all her shit in the hall." Hakeem said.

"No you won't. Y'all strong, healthy men, what's the problem with me sitting down?"

"Nothing. Hakeem just being evil." Demetrius said, bringing in a few boxes.

Ebony stuck her tongue out at Hakeem and he flicked her off. As her brothers and Rudy worked to bring everything in, Ebony stayed on her phone. When they were almost done, Xavier's wife and Sharon came over. Ebony played with Aniyah while Sharon and Ronnie put things away in the kitchen.

"You so goofy, pretty girl." Ebony smiled as her niece laughed for no reason.

"Teedy, fat mama." She blew on Aniyah's stomach to tickle her.

"It's really nice here, Ebony. Make sure y'all keep it clean." Sharon said, walking around the apartment.

"Teedy, why would I not keep it clean? I'm a deep clean and disinfect real good before I unpack all my stuff." Ebony chuckled, making her way in the kitchen.

"I'm just saying. But everybody else should be coming over to see the apartment soon. Megan and Mia are bringing the babies."

"I gotta go somewhere real quick." Ebony handed Aniyah to her mother and she handed Sharon a bottle of disinfectant spray.

"Where you going?" Ronnie asked.

"Aisha house. She said she needed to talk to me about something. I'll be right back."

"Y'all can't talk over the phone?" Sharon asked.

"She said she wanted to see me so..." Ebony shrugged.

Once she told her brothers she was leaving, she headed over to Aisha's house. Ebony was like the big sister Aisha never had and she always wanted Ebony's advice. Ebony didn't care what was going on, if Aisha needed her she would try to be there.

When she made it, Ebony blew the horn for Aisha to come outside. Ebony stuck her head out the window and spoke to Aisha's dad who was being nosey. Aisha rolled her eyes and got in the passenger seat.

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