Chapter 13

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Song in multimedia: YNW Melly- Mind on my Murder (Murder on my Mind Pt. 2)

Having her fourth nightmare in a row, Ebony woke up in cold sweats with heavy breathing. Another dream of her being hunted down and shot forced her to get out of bed. The vivid experience of fear and pain was all too real for Ebony and she couldn't take it anymore. She wiped her wet neck and grabbed her phone to see it was four in the morning.

She had work in a few hours and she didn't plan on going back to bed. Going into the bathroom, Ebony got on her knees and started praying that she wouldn't slip into that dark space that she had been to plenty of times before. There was so much good going on, she refused to let depression mess that up.

To clear her mind, she called Dee but he didn't answer. Mike was still at work so she called Hakeem next. After a few rings, he picked up.

"You was sleep?" She asked.

"Not now. Wuzzam?"

"Nothing. I couldn't sleep and my boyfriend at work so I don't got nobody to talk to." Ebony sat on the bathroom floor.

"You ain't been to sleep all night? What's wrong with you?"

"I slept for a few hours, it wasn't decent though. I kept having nightmares."

"Da' la' baby having nightmares, awwww." He laughed.

"Shut up, bruh. Somebody was killing me in my sleep, bitch I kept getting shot. Then I was running all around this empty building, the scariest part was when the nigga caught me. I don't even know who he was."

"It's just a dream."

"I know."

"Pull up if you ain't going back to sleep."

"You got some weed?" Ebony stood and grabbed a face towel.

"Yeah. You got the gars?"

"Yup. I'm a take a shower and stuff first."

"Aight. You got ya' key, but text me before you come in. A nigga might shoot you for real."

"Ahh, fuck you." Ebony laughed.

Ebony got herself together—taking a shower and putting on some comfortable clothes. She didn't plan on coming back home, so she slipped on her yellowish blonde wig. Ebony then got in her Jeep and rode over to Hakeem's house. When she got there, she had to be really quiet because everyone except Hakeem was asleep. The two of them sat in the living room and rolled up on the coffee table.

"Please do not lick all over the gar." He looked over at her.

"Son, I'll out roll you any day. I don't need to lick all over it." She sealed the leaf.

"I almost got loud. Don't forget who taught you this shit."

"I ain't forget. You got me right, big brother." Ebony softly laughed.

Once they were done, they went outside and Hakeem pulled out his lighter. On the back porch, they watched the sun rise while smoking. Hakeem caught up with his sister, asking her how she had been doing. Ebony asked him the same questions, mainly focused on her niece and nephew.

"One day I wanna watch the babies by myself. Just the babies cause I might die trying to babysit seven kids on my own."

"Kayla still a baby, you can take her and Keem anytime."

"Kay is not a baby, on the inside she bout older than me. Especially when she put her la' purse on her arms and her sippy cup in her other hand. Grown woman status right there." Ebony fanned the smoke out of her face.

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