Chapter 21

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2 Weeks Later -AJ P.O.V

I was meeting up with Melanie, since I haven't met up with her in a while. We decided going out for lunch at a restaurant.


"Ayye gurl wassup doe!" Melanie said as I met her with a hug. "Nun chillin."

She placed her hand on her hip.

"Chillin? For 2 months??" I chuckled and nodded my head.

"Mhmm whatever. But let's go inside, a bitch hungry like a slave." I laughed and went inside the restaurant.

We sat at our table, I made sure to cover up my ring hand. I had to wait to right time to tell her that.

"So how you and Trey's sex life?" I was amazed at how fast she went to that subject.

"Why do you wanna know that?" I said to her. She smirked.

"Because, you over here glowing and shit...he got that good d*ck don't he?" I blushed a little. I shook my head laughing.

The waitress came to take out orders. We told her what we wanted and she left. I pushed back a couple of strands of my hair, when a huge smile spread across Melanie's face.

"What?" I said.

"YOU'RE ENGAGED!!" She screamed.

I forgot I used my ring hand to push my hair back. Shit...

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME!?" I saw people around us starting to stare.

"Damn Mel, if you be quiet I'll tell you..." I said.

She calmed herself then readjusted the dress she had on.

"So how Trey propose??" I frowned a little.

"Trey didn't propose to me..." I looked down into my lap.

"So you went out and bought your own damn ring? Damn girl I ain't-" I held up my hand cutting her off.

"I ain't buy my ring, a guy I was seeing bought it and proposed." I said.


"Richie..." I said.

"Richie?? The one Trey don't like?" She said. I nodded my head yes.

"Why you wanna marry him? Don't you love Trey?" I sighed.

"It's complicated Mel.." She motioned for me to continue.

"....As much as I love Trey, I felt like maybe we're not good together. I waited my whole life to have him but when I did, my heart got broken in the end." She slowly nodded her head.

"I know you were hurt, but don't you think you should've gave him another chance?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I wanna be more than fuck buddies with him." Her eyes lit up.

"You and him fucking and you're engaged??" Damn, I forgot to tell her a lot.

"Yeah...I'm not proud of it though. It was just a one time thing, nothing more than that." I said.

Melanie sucked her teeth.

"Why you lying to yourself? You know damn well that you and Trey gon do it again, y'all meant to be together boo." I wasn't sure if I should agree with her, but I sat there silent.

"Do you love Richie?" She asked me.

"Yes, but I think I still love Trey too..." I said.

"Well you gotta make a choice, you can't have both. I hate to say it, but somebody gon get hurt in the end if you keep this up." She said. I nodded my head in agreement with her.

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