Chapter 11

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We arrived at the airport with Melanie and Rebbecca following us. We got out our bags and headed inside the airport. Rebbecca seemed better, attitude wise.

We went through all the procedures we needed to before boarding the plane. As we got on the plane, Melanie had told me to sit with her. I really wanted to sit by Trey, but I let Rebbecca sit with him. "You sure you want her to come along?" Melanie was pointing towards Rebbecca's direction.

"At first no, but maybe she just need some cheering up." She smacked her lips. "She was just all up in our faces with that stank attitude not to long ago. Now she's all smiles." I looked over at her, she was laughing with Trey.

Melanie was telling the truth, but I didn't know for sure what was up with her. "Just keep an eye on her." I nodded my head in agreement.


As we pulled up to the hotel, more paparazzi was waiting for us. This was only my second time seeing them and they were already getting on my nerves. I glanced over at Melanie, she was putting on this huge church hat. "What you doing with that hat?"

"Girl ain't no paparazzi bout to see me with my hair messed up." I chuckled at her. We quickly got out, grabbing our bags. We walked inside the hotel, checking in. "Here's your room keys and please enjoy your stay." The lady at the front desk smiled as she handed us the keys.

We took the elevator up to our rooms. Trey and I was at the end of the hallway, while Melanie and Rebbecca was at the beginning. The room was HUGE. I was still taking in everything in the room.

"Don't leave your mouth open, flies can get in." Trey said smiling. "Shut up," I chuckled "how can you not be amazed by this." I motioned to the room. He shrugged his shoulders. "You get used to it after a while." He disappeared out of the room.

I wouldn't mind getting used to being in hotel rooms like this. I plopped on the bed, it was absolute heaven. I just got comfortable when my phone rang. Why must they call now?? I sat up finding my phone.

ME: "Yes?"

MELANIE: "Gurl they gotta pool!!"

ME: "And?" I just wanted to stay in and relax.

MELANIE: "Change into yo swimsuit and meet us down here."

ME: "Iight I'll be down."

She hung up the phone. I began searching for my swimsuit as my phone rang again.

ME: "Hello?"

??: "I missed you Angelina."

My heart raced twice as fast as I heard the voice. Not him again. I was about to hang up, when he said something.

JAMES: "I can't wait for you to model for my paintings again."

ME: "Well I guess you gon keep waiting since that's not going to happen."

JAMES: "Oh, but it will. Soon too. Since I see your up in L.A., maybe I should stop by to see how you've been, Angelina."

ME: "How the hell do you know where I'm at??"

He chuckled in the phone.

JAMES: "I have my ways, but don't worry about that. How's your relationship with Trey going?"

My heart stopped at the mention of Trey.

JAMES: "And before you ask, I saw you two at the club not too long ago, remember?"

I remembered well, he was the valet taking the cars.

JAMES: "But oh well. Enjoy your time in L.A., oh and that's a nice hotel you're in isn't it?"

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