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his feelings grew like an unkempt rosebush:
they grew and grew until they couldn't be cut back
and they always hurt.


jisung lurched forward, leaving minho's lap empty and the poor boy toppling backwards, to reach for hyunjin.

he covered his friend's face and continued to mutter apologies as he stroked his hair back, fingers sometimes stroking the small scar he had given hyunjin from when they used to argue.

hyunjin aimlessly clung to jisung, hands wrapped uselessly in the back of his printed shirt, head pressed into his warm chest. he latched himself onto jisung so he could never be let go, never be left alone. he clutched jisung to himself in desperation.

but jisung was never the one he wanted. jisung was never the one he had wanted to hold on to.

jisung would never be seungmin.


jisung was angry. all of his good intentions had been wasted by seungmin's cowardice. he was not about to let two of his friends hurt only because they were scared of the outcome.

he had to speak up.

and so, looking seungmin dead in the eyes, he challenged him.

"that's a lie."

he spoke steadily, aware of the comforting eyes thrown at the three of them.

seungmin reached for woojin's hand and hissed a stream of cuss words.

"well what the fuck was i supposed to say? you know full well who i like and why it won't work out." he sighed heavily at jisung and winced as he saw the crying hyunjin.

hyunjin continued to let his sobs empty his body of emotion as he buried himself in his friend's chest, no longer caring about the gazes worriedly fixated on him.

"what were you supposed to say? the truth. what else?" he snapped at seungmin. jisung understood that seungmin was anxious but how could he not see that this would be best for all them?

he huffed his cheeks out and seungmin flinched away from the ferocious animal glaring at him.

the silence was broken by another of hyunjin's heart wrenching whines and jisung almost growled.

"minho." he snapped, "follow us."

"yes, my prince," was the whipped reply as jisung dragged the three boys through to the next room.

he slammed the door behind them and wasn't able to hear the five breaths of relief as the awkward scene left.

"you two need to sort your shit out." he fumed

hyunjin sniffled as he tugged on jisung's sleeves. he was tired and didn't want this.

"sungie... please," he whispered.

jisung almost faultered at the broken expression blooming across his friend's face. almost.

"no. you aren't getting out of this. seungmin likes you back you absolute idiot." he practically screamed.

minho stood still, casually observing, as seungmin got whiplash turning to look back at jisung.

"back?" he breathed. "han jisung, this is not a joke. i will snap your dumbass mario kart game in half if this is a joke."

minho stepped forward to rub seungmin's shoulder. hyunjin's soft cries had stopped but his grip on jisung's sleeves had increased in pressure.

"it's not a joke. hyunjin came to us months back with this." he confirmed jisung's words. "please don't break that game, it was so ridiculously expensive."


hyunjin had visibly softened at this new information. his smile was full bloom and the petals of his hair carefully cupped the pollen of the face.

"you like me?" he spoke - the first words to reach his lips since he begged jisung to help him.

seungmin's head lifted, like a sunflower chasing the sun, to watch the beauty spilling from hyunjin's grinning mouth.

there was a long silence before another sigh and a hesitant nod of the head.

hyunjin wiped the glistening tears from his cheeks as if they were nothing more than morning dew and searched his crush's face for any sign of discomfort before letting go of jisung's sleeve once and for all.

he didn't need his emotional support squirrel much longer, for he had the prize he had always wanted.

he didn't need to think about, long for or cling to his hope of seungmin any longer, because he was right here, between his arms.

he was right here, huddled in his chest.

"oh, you idiot, you absolute perfect fucking idiot, i hate you so much." it was seungmin's turn to cry and hyunjin's turn to grin.

"be my boyfriend?" hyunjin suggested as he pecked the top of seungmin's hair.

"obviously, you actual doof. oh, dear lord, my boyfriend's so stupid i really really like you." seungmin continued to mumble insults until you could no longer decipher one word from the rest.

and as hyunjin's shirt was watered by seungmin's tears, a rosebush and a sunflower were growing almost imperceptibly.

in their garden, a rosebush and a sunflower were intertwining, the thorns of the rose kept far away from the stem of the precious flower.

although it was dysfunctional, it fit. it worked for them and, in all honesty, what in their garden was functional as it was?

and that was how they stayed: close enough to feel the breath of the other on their stems, leaves, petals; close enough to hold, to love, to understand; close enough to protect.

they would continue to grow, delicately wrapping themselves around each other, never harsh enough to hurt, but never far enough to feel alone.

they would continue to grow, with all that they needed by their sides.

because what more could hyunjin ask for, when he already had the most gorgeous flower growing with him?


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