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I've got this LotR medley sheet music but was never entirely satisfied with it. So I started making my own changes to it. Here was the conversation I had with Eruva about it...

Me: Okay, so I play the Rivendell theme and add 1/4 of my extension to it, and then I go into In Dreams but play the bottom line an octave up so that it sounds more like it did in the movie and after playing one part of that I go into the typical LotR theme and go all the way on that.

Eruva: I'm just going to pretend like I know what you just said...

Me: *plays it*


Me: ugh, I completely changed tempo between Rivendell and In Dreams, and apparently I got really attached to In Dreams because I played all of it instead of only half! And can you BELIEVE I MISSED THAT F SHARP?!?!

Eruva: ...

Me: oh, and I tested it out. Its an A, not an F. Jeez. I should know this!

Eruva: How were you supposed to know it played an A?

Me: Three reasons-one, I'm supposed to remember what it sounds like, two, I'm supposed to have an inner tone detection thing, and three, OF ALL THINGS I SHOULD KNOW, THAT IS THE TOP ONE.

(Btw from the message about how it was an A we were talking about the horn of Gondor lolz)

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