Dess Study

364 29 14

Today we shall learn about the facial expressions and actions of the wild Dess and their meanings.

Head nod- She acknowledges your presence and is too busy for you.

Wave- Same as head nod, only she kinda-sorta-ish knows you,

Wave and smile- She likes you as a friend.

Wave, smile, and blush- She has a crush on you.

Stare- You have distracted her.

Blank stare- She is daydreaming. Common when she is in maths habitat.

Angry look- You have mildly displeased her.

Glare- She is mad. Stop doing what you're doing that annoys her.

Low growl- You have truly aggravated her. Start being cautious, as she is now highly alert of your actions.

Hiss- Last chance to stop whatever you're doing that makes her mad. She's really ticked off now.

Hiss, glare, claws extended- There's no going back now. Prepare for battle.

Dess usually gets aggravated when someone insults lotr, especially Legolas, Boromir, and Haldir. She could go into full blown rants about these...

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