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This is for the boys at my school who can't flirt to save their lives.

How to flirt (with me, anyways)

Step one: Come up to her and start talking about her drama career. Don't say, "Wow, I heard that you were the second to lead role in Fame!" This will get her mad/depressed at how Francine stole her lead role. Also, don't bring up her part in The Little Mermaid. This will guarantee her walking away. Say something like, "Its so impressive how you went from ensemble in North Pole Radio to a main part in Fame!" This will make her happy that you noticed, and glad that you think she's impressive.

Urge her to tell you more about her role as 'Serena Katz'. She will tell you. Ask her to sing her solo. She will be overjoyed that someone actually thinks she's a good singer! Work your way from there.

Step 2: If anything goes wrong, direct her attention to LOTR. Be warned: she's obsessive! Warning: Do not criticize anything! She will slap you... to the moon.

Step 3: If you cannot do step 2, tell her that she's an amazing writer. Expect something very modest, like "Oh, I'm not that good" Tell her that she is, especially for her age. Do the same for singing.

Step 4: The way to get into her heart is buy her LOTR related jewelry. She will be practically flying!

Step 5: Once she seems interested in you, tell her to meet you in the forest ::name time and date:: Wink twice. Wait for the blush, then say, "Namarie!" and walk off, giving a small wave.



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