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Time for some stories leading up to the 100th chapter!

My best friend is Savanna, we've been friends since before we can remember. She's the only one I've ever opened up to, and we talk about EVERYTHING. Crushes, secret obsessions, school stuff, ect.

We make "advice columns" which is really us complaining about our lives.

She's as crazy as I am! Here are a few of her genius quotes-

-How do we un-sick them?

-Oh look they have seats for people with butts!

-Lady Liberty's a girl, right?

-Can they have kids now?

-Okay forget their childhood I want then to get married now!

-The stairs go DOWN?

She's amazing :3

We've made songs such as-

Dumbledore's driving a mini-van

The bouncy house song

Save it for later

Bad weather

The stairs go down rap

(Lyrics for all these on next chapter)

Oh, and she's my manager. She helps me with my songs and books, and says she'll be my manager when I'm famous, too.

Yay for Savanna!!!

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