Fabulous Lessons

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Sorry this took so long to update, I had to type this from the comments section onto a Word document, then email it to myself and copy/paste it here XD

(Takes place after band WIN 2-my quote-haha peasants)

dreamescape07: #thranduil

Me: He'd be proud, can't wait to tell him J

dreamescape07: Probably has some tips for you, too, I imagine:

Thranduil: Hello, daughter of Elrond, welcome to 101 ways to be Fabulous! Today we shall be exploring the many variations on "Looking Down Your Nose."

Me: Yay!!!

Me: *gasp* I'm being taught by the king of absolute fabulousness! *faints*

dreamescape07: Ehehe told you she couldn't handle it!

Thranduil: *rolls eyes*

dreamescape07: Just kidding xD

Me: *wakes up* NOOOOOO keep going oh great and fabulous!

Thranduil: *smug smile* Very well. How about you learn to fall fabulously in case this....happens again?

Me: Alright! *grabs glittered popcorn*

Thranduil: *sweeping elegantly down stairs* First, you must toss your hair before you are about to fall. That way, when you land, it shall fan about you like a halo of stars, and everybody will scream "OMG, one of the Fabulous has fallen! Send help!"

Me: You know EVERYTHING!!! Go on!

Thranduil: Well, after elegantly tossing your hair, make as if you are reaching for the sky, which gives someone the perfect opportunity to help you. If they don't you will fall dramatically and gracefully. It's a win-win solution!

Me: it's no wonder you're king of Mirkwood...

Thranduil: *self-satisfied smirk* Why, yes. I do believe you're correct, dear.

Me: *stands on cliff with hair dramatically flowing back* I hereby promise to follow in Thranduil's fabulousness FOREVAHHH!!!

Me: Teach me more, oh fabulous one...

Thranduil: *applauds, nods* Yes, yes! I'm so glad my fabulousness is impacting so many souls! *tears of joy*

Thranduil: next, we shall learn how to walk fabulously. Ready?

Me: Ready!

Thranduil: Well, to begin, you must always point your toes. Apart from stretching your feet, it alludes to grace and charm. No clumping around! That erases all fabulousness and drags you down *shudder* Plus, you must always wear fabulous footwear (dreamescape07: That should be a store!) that fits and is comfortable. Hence my gorgeous elven boots.

Me: Ooh! Aaah!

Thranduil: Yes, quite spectacular, isn't it? Next, you must always stand up as tall as you can, even if you are cursed with a short figure, and survey everyone imperiously. The only thing you have to remember is F.A.B.-Feel Fabulous, Act Fabulous, and Be fabulous!

Me: *applauds loudly* WOOOOOO! Is this look good enough for the peasants at my school? *does look*

Thranduil: Beautifully done! Gorgeous! Ahh, look at my handiwork! Flawless! But not as flawless as me!

Me: Nothing could be as flawless as you!

Me: *bows* Oh fabulous one, if I pass the test of ultimate fabulousness, would you maybe... Mention me to your son?

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