Angel part 2

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The next time a portal opened she knew what to expect. She didn't mind going back in time. So she went through again.

This time, she was taken back where she was the first time. She saw Faramir, but this time he was a few years older than when she had last come. This confirmed time travel because the first portal had only opened a few days ago.

Faramir appeared to be sleeping, but she saw his eyes were open when she walked over to him. He had obviously been crying, and was trying to cover that up.

"You're back" he said, surprised.

"I told you I would be" she replied, and sat down next to him.

Almost immediately she noticed that he was still wearing the necklace that she gave him, and she smiled.

They sat in silence for a little while, and Faramir leaned against her. They both looked out of the window, at the stars.

She lost track of time, but when she finally looked down at Faramir, she saw that he had fallen asleep.

Gently, she placed him in his bed, he was smiling in his sleep.

She felt a soft glow, and turned to see the portal that she knew would be there. She stepped through, somehow knowing that she would be back.

However, something happened that she had not expected. Once she made it through the portal, she felt something inside her pocket. She pulled it out, and saw that Faramir had slipped a silver flower pin inside.

Smiling, she put it on, and waited, knowing the next portal would arrive soon.

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