News and Caterpillars!

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Well waddya know, one of my greatest achievements happened to come during my celebration! Convenient!

Thank you thank you thank you for everything because I wouldn't have been able to reach my goal without all of you :3 (wow my speeches are getting repetitive)

Anyways, now for my caterpillars...

More bloodstains on the jar...

At least 3 are dead...

Ones head is just kinda hanging there...

And one is bigger than all the rest.

Caterpillars are slowly turning into cannibals.

Soon they will become full carnivores.

And learn to eat human skin.

And develop defense systems to avoid being squished.


The celebration is slowly ending. Anything you want to see in it?

And is anyone else clicking on a chapter you created and a random chapter in a different language comes up???

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