Pajamadude and the Destruction of Smug

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Savanna, who has never seen Lotr or TH, came over yesterday. We decided to do some more reenacting with the lps...

Me: So, which one do you want to do?

Her: (we did FotR last time) a about Destruction of Smug?

Me: One, that's a prequel, and two, ITS DESOLATION OF SMAUG.

Her: no it's not!

Me: *grabs dvd* *shoves it in her face* SEE?!?! *pointing to the words* DESOLATION. OF. SMAUG.

Her: ohhhhhh

Me: Let's just get on with it...where's PJ?

Her: Who?

Me: *sigh* The director. Peter Jackson.

Her: whatever. So, what do we do?

Me: well, since this is the second movie...


Me: actually, they made 3...

Her: WHAT?!?!?

Me: Long story. Anyways...

(I gave all the pets parts and explained who they were and what they did. We had to change it a bit so I could come in and be in the movie (I was the cat shown in the picture, I was Vanadessë and Arwen was still my sister and stuff) so Vanadessë married Legolas and they had 3 kids... yeah


Savanna: First scene! Where's Pajamadude?

Me: Pajamadude?

Her: the director!

Me: *facepalm* PETER JACKSON

Her: *ignores me*

Me: Pajamadude and the Destruction of Smug. Wow. Impressive.

Oooooh since I'm getting so picture-happy now, should I put some pictures of the other characters????????

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