Before the Leaving

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The rest of the team has gone to get ready for the fight. Mentally and physically suiting up to go against the mad titan one last time. With my suit gone, and my sanity dwindling I've found my way to Tony's side as I've done before in similar situations. It's hard to see him this way. Lying peacefully, mouth not spewing his usual sarcastic quips. Something makes me reach out to him and grip his hand resting on the bed's white blanket. My head sinks low as I think about what all he must have gone through up there. 

I feel someone at my back and then a light squeeze at my shoulder. I see that Pepper has come back to Tony's side now. I pop up realizing that this truly isn't my place. I try to keep my head down and scoot past her but she steals me into a hug. I squeeze my eyes tight in order to keep the tears away. She cradles my head against her shoulder, like any mother would do to a grieving daughter. When she pulls away she grabs my hands in hers. "I left him up there all alone Pepper." I say turning back to him.

"You had a good reason." She says slightly shaking my arms up and down, bringing me back to my senses. She pauses for a moment, "You should go to his workshop on the third floor. I think you'll find something from him." Pepper had spend the majority of her time up there. No one had the cadence to bother her, and I most certainly did not have the courage to face her before Tony returned. When I don't make a move to go she continues, "Please, if you're going to go with the group... he would want you to be protected. I nod and turn to leave without another word.

As I walk through the hallway and up to the third floor I look out over the lawn. The team is spread out in passing, carrying things to and from the ship. I turn my attention back to myself, emotionally I should ready myself for whatever it was that Tony left for me. Placing my hand on the scanner it lets me in immediately. The lights come on and ignite the whole room. "Welcome back Agent Moore." FRIDAY addresses me in a way I haven't heard in a while. I take a breath wishing I could relinquish that particular title. Still in awe of all the unfinished projects FRIDAY speaks up again. "Mr. Stark left you a gift." In my peripheral I see a bright light go up from floor to ceiling. Turning quickly I see that it has illuminated an alcove, and in that alcove sits a white and gold suit not so different from his own. 

I stand in front of it in awe. Such a legacy in front of me, and all around. Reaching out slowly, I rest just my fingers on the solid nano tech. I close my eyes and just let Tony's energy flow. I clench my fists and let my hands slide off back to my sides. Looking up slightly I see just how beautiful it is. I take a step back sure that I can't do this. Admiring it again I look over all the detail. The colors weren't what Tony usually worked with. The combination screamed hope and gave off an angelic like presence. Before I can dissuade myself any further I find myself climbing up behind the suit. With one touch to the back it opens for me. I step inside and then the tech closes me in. It powers up and I hear a familiar voice, "Welcome back Evelyn! I was beginning to think I might never assist you again." JENNA speaks as the lights inside go up. Looking around and stepping down from the pedestal I test the joints and the movements.

I sigh, "It's nice to be back."

"I should tell you that Tony's left all the control in your hands." JENNA says as she continues to flash certain gauges and information before my eyes.

I really hadn't even thought about that in a while now, but Tony obviously had. "Well I'm happy to hear that."  I say trying to contemplate everything being thrown at me. I let my helmet fall and then move to one of the tables. Blueprints litter the top of it. Reaching down to the top one I see plans for all sorts of suits and gadgets. Intrigued to see what he had been working on, I pick up the top print and study the parameters. "Rescue" so he called it seemed rather similar to the suit I wore now. I don't get too far into the details before I hear my name.

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