Lost in the Lapse

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Looking to my right I smile as Clint returns from changing. The new white and red suits were crisp and for the first time in a long long time it feels as if we are all truly on the same side. Clint and I had volunteered for the test run of sorts after Scott admitted he couldn't handle it. 

Steve and Clint had both had their doubts and concerns about it but my trust in Bruce and Tony has always been without doubt. I admit my reasons for volunteering would not be altogether unselfish. I'm going home. A home after the war, a home without Bucky, but home nonetheless. Clint approaches me and then we go together into the hanger to meet with the team. 

He was also going home. We both know the risks and we both know we can't see those we've lost, but it's not about that. It's about breathing their air, being in a place where so much happiness transpired. Perhaps he would find something of meaning to bring back, I know I plan on it. Tony had warned me about speaking with anyone from my time  so I had thought long and hard about when I would go and what I might be able to grab. I had of course thought about my ring, which had wandered around with me in my pockets through it all, but it now rests in my bedroom on my dresser. When I was looking within myself I realized that I have nothing of my parents. In my absence before and after their deaths all of their pictures and belongings had been sold off, thrown away, or just plain lost. I'm going back to 1979... the day they died. In my room sits a little blue necklace. Something I'd grabbed when it fell onto my desk a few days later when I'd been reunited with Rebecca. Much like the rest of my things, it too was lost to time and taken from me during my time in cryostasis. 

Rocket and Tony's bickering become clearer as we enter the hangar. 

"How's it going, Ratchet?" Tony yells to the cavern underneath the cavern.

Rocket emerges from his work with a wrench in his hand. "It's Rocket. Take it easy. You're only a genius on Earth, pal." He looks to us. "New suits. Hope they work." He nods at us and then wheels himself back to work. 

"That's reassuring." I say as Tony comes to shake hands with us. 

"They'll work." Tony replies. "I'll have your personal suit done soon, so you'll have JENNA if you need her for the next mission." 

"Where's mine?" Clint asks sarcastically. 

Tony shrugs, "Aw Legolas, you wouldn't be happy in one of those." He takes my arm in his and waves us forward.

We reach Scott, Rhodey, and Banner who are readying the machine. It seems we've walked in on another argument. "These are Pym Particles, alright? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more." Scott holds the little glass vials close to his chest as if they're his children.

"Scott, calm down!" Rhodes says trying to calm the aura before we step in to do our mission. I honestly know Lang just gets hyper excited. I look to Clint and just know we're both game for it no matter how hectic it seems.

Lang notices our arrival and apologizes. "Sorry. We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs." He panics and shoves drops the vials in Bruce's hands. "I don't want to be in charge of these anymore, I'll shrink or grow on accident and break one." We all stare at him surely no one believes he would do that. "Trust me it's something I would do." On second thought, yeah I could see that. We shrug and let Banner take over. 

Clint and I lift our arms slightly as Banner places the vials of Pym particles in our suits. I admire myself and just how good we both look. Now you're gonna feel a little discombobulated from the chronoshift. Don't worry about it." Banner gives us a reaffirming smile.

"You ready?" I huff out at Clint after a long intake of breath. He gives me a curt nod. 

"Eve?" I turn to see that Steve has appeared and he's now asking for me. I give Clint's hand a brief squeeze before joining Cap. We start to walk out towards the platform as he speaks. "I just wanted to make sure that you're still okay with all of this."

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