The Man who Killed the Avengers

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There's a banging at my door and then the tumblers click and the heavy vault opens. I look up from my position on my bed at see Tony across from me. I really don't know how long I've been here. I haven't seen any of the others and I certainly haven't slept. I'd been questioned for maybe ten minutes, confessing that I had no knowledge of Steve's plan and playing off the fact I'd felt betrayed. I had no news of Siberia. No news of anything. 

Tony comes into the room smug. He kneels down and uncuffs me. His arm is in a sling and his face, near his left eye is bruised. I study his gaze for a moment and know that I can trust him. "Follow my lead." He says as he stands I've suddenly been charged with energy, I stand quickly ready to fight or flee. He gives me the slightest shake of the head and the lightest touch on the arm as Secretary Ross walks in. I keep my mouth shut worried I might give something away. "Tony assures me you wanted no part in what went down in Germany. You are not a signer of the Sokovia Accords, nor do you have any registered capabilities. By that jurisdiction you're a civilian. You will be put on house arrest and you will be in the custody of Mr. Stark, until this matter is resolved." He turns to Tony now, "If there's so much as one breach, you won't be safe from any of this either." Ross gestures to my cell before turning and heading back outside.

Tony wraps an arm around my shoulder and walks me out to a bustling prison center. The others are nowhere to be found and honestly who could know if they were even here. I could ask Tony a million questions but again, I fear releasing something that may incriminate me or harm the operation. 

The both of us walk through the rest of the facility, all eyes on us. Tony still has his arm around my shoulder as we approach what must be a Stark helicopter. As happy as I am to see Tony his whole 'savior' act is not coming across well to me. He doesn't let go of me until I'm up and settled.

"Stark? Did they give you anything on Rogers?" I lean forward slightly to listen. Tony hangs out the helicopter. 

"Nope. Told me to go to hell. I'm going back to the compound instead, but you can call me anytime. I'll put you on hold, I like to watch the line blink." Tony proceeds to step back inside and give a curt wave. As the door shuts he slinks back onto one of the leather seats. He grunts in pain and situates his arm. As we take off I look down and realize I'd been surrounded by water, an ocean even. I slink back suddenly uneasy.

"The others?" I ask not bothering to make eye contact.

His pause signals to me that they don't have the greatest accommodations. "This isn't how I wanted things to go." He replies. I look over at him and see just how broken he is. He is full of regret and that's something rarely seen in a Stark. In front of me I see the same boy I had ages ago at his parents grave and suddenly my heart opens to him. It wasn't his fault, he had a big part in it yes, but he was looking for a way out, he had been for many years. Not just for himself, but for all of us, together.

"They need our help Tony." 

"Sam told me everything."

"How'd you swing that?" I laugh momentarily. 

He shrugs his good shoulder "Knocked out their audio for a minute." He pauses. "It wasn't long after all of you were arrested that a Berlin dispatch came in..." He turns to me and grabs my hand. "I was wrong Evelyn." He looks into my eyes and holds my gaze. "I played this wrong." 

I think for a moment before correcting him. "We all played this wrong. We can still fix it."

"Sam told me to go to Siberia as a friend."

"Can you? Go as a friend? Or is that why you got me out?"

He shakes his head seeming offended. "Of course I can."

"Why am I here then Tony?"

"Because I honestly didn't know what they were going to do to you, and I've heard from Clint that you know Siberia pretty well."

I breathe in sharply, remembering past missions. "I hope you brought me some weapons... We're going to be in for a fight." He's already started to take off his sling. He stands and once again offers me a hand. He pulls me to the center of the copter and motions for me to stay. He leans back in his chair and with a push of a button my suit starts to encase me. 

"How the hell did you swing this?" I ask figuring it was still in lockup.

"It's an extra!" He calls as he disappears behind his mask.

The night is illuminated as I fall into the rainy sky high above the water. Tony hangs right and then hits his thrusters. I do the same making sure I don't lose him.

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