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The first chapters of Bound By Legacy are out now! Be sure to check it out! I love you all, see ya there!

Without further ado I give you the first paragraphs from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn:

The chapel echoes as I walk down the center aisle. She was still here. This gray-stoned building I'd come to so many times in my old life. She has stood the test of time just as I have. My hand rests gently on the back of a pew as I gaze up at the altar still decorated.

It had been a quiet service, not many had come. In our minds that had been right. The only family we had left... Rebecca, Steve, the kids, a few friends... We had of course invited everyone, but with the world the way it is at the moment, they couldn't find a way to meet us here. I shift my weight and then fall onto the wooden bench. Sighing I fold my hands in my lap. My ring reflects in the dim light and I quickly turn it out of sight.

I am happy. I am, but today when I looked over the congregation as Steve walked me down the aisle I felt a gut punch go through me. There were far too many friends missing... Too many. As my emotions start to dwell and fester the giant doors at the back open. The familiar silhouette makes his way towards me as the summer light disappears once again behind the wooden doors. I compose myself and look forward.

"Already having second thoughts?" Bucky asks teasingly. He falls onto the bench next to me. I let out a huff of a laugh.

"Are the kids okay?" I ask.

"Sam's got 'em." I nod slowly, still thinking about how empty life had become. Bucky wraps an arm around my shoulder slightly angeling me towards him. I give up my reluctance and look over at him. "What's wrong?" He asks. "The police removed the protesters off the premises..." They had come overtaken the courtyard as the guests were leaving. It was a relatively small group but they still caused panic.

"I know we said we'd get married here to maybe bring some joy..." I think about my next words carefully. I look up again to continue. "I just... It was sad to see so many empty spots where people should be." Bucky studies me carefully. He knows I've been struggling, the nightmares had made me rather fragile especially the last week or so. With no team, no purpose, I'd become lost in the dark. I had my family of course, a chance to finally live freely, but I still feel as if I don't have closure. He can see right through my cover.

"You're allowed to be happy Eve." So he had totally read through me. Yes I felt guilty to be happy. "It's okay to try and move on." I look at him and see a hundred years of not moving on.

"I'm afraid I've never been very good at that." I say forcing a smile. He leans in and plants a kiss on my forehead before pulling me to him. I take a moment to let the anxiety reside.

Realizing just how long I've been making the people outside wait I pull away from Bucky. He stands, never once releasing my hand he helps me stand as well. Leading me forward back out into the open space I let my skirts fall back around me. Taking my arm in his he warns me of what's to come, "There are a few reporters out there... fans too." I try not to let the news faze me.

I think of all the unpleasant encounters I'd had with them since the death of Tony and the 'disappearance' of Captain America. "What are they here for?" There had been a growing resistance to us in the media, people who wanted to find the blame for the blip. Most were thankful and just overcome with joy about the return of their loved ones, but some were looking to place the blame on someone, anyone.

"They must've followed the protesters..." He can see my uneasiness. "As far as I can tell it's some of the good ones." He says in reference to the press. I nod. We've reached the doors. I try to find some bravery but when Bucky squeezes my hand I remember that I will never have to face anything alone ever again. He kisses me then, a reassuring kiss. He squeezes my hand and then I nod. My gaze does not leave him, even as he opens the door and lets the sun stream in.

See you all December 14th! Love ya'll!


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