The Accords

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It had all gone by so fast. The months after Sokovia have been empty and yet I feel like it happened yesterday.

"When asked about the future of The Avengers, Evelyn Moore, Tony Stark's protege was hardly open to talk about it." I look up from my beer to the nightly news report. "The former SHIELD agent was once a soldier with Captain Steve Rogers himself before disappearing into obscurity for years at a time. She was placed on trial in 2014 for her service record but was pardoned of charges by the President. Last night she was talking with WWNT's Ryan Borchetta and left the interview abruptly when questions of  concerned citizens about The Avenger's unregulated power came up."  I roll my eyes and turn away leaving a five on the table. I'd left abruptly because I had an urgent message and Happy was waving me off, it had been at an inopportune moment but it had to be taken care of.

It had been Steve asking if I could accompany the team to Lagos. I had turned it down offering my spot to Sam who took it up without a second beat. I could tell Steve was disappointed but I just needed some time to myself. Some of the questions last night had hit me hard but as a face of the team I felt I couldn't answer without input from others. When Tony put me in charge of this stuff months ago it was a relief and an outlet but now that the public knows exactly who I am they've become more restless, more prone to placing the blame upon me.

"Breaking news out of Lagos..." I turn abruptly as the whole bar fills with gasps at the oncoming images. A building burns and people run. It pans to Wanda. She sinks to her knees, hand to her mouth. My heart goes out to her, it truly does. It pans again to Cap who's on comms. As first responders arrive I snap myself out of my bystander mindset. I turn for the door once again. I hear my name once and then twice as I hightail for the exit, I'd been spotted gathering a few people from their charis. No one follows me further than the door though. I pick up my phone calling Tony. 

"So you saw?" He asks. 

"Yes. Is the team back yet?" I ask briskly moving down the side walk flood of people.

"They're on their way... Where are you." I look up at the German street signs.

"Doesn't matter. I'll be on the first flight back." Yes I was in Germany, and yes I had flown here on a whim last night. I had meant to start my search for James, or at least gather a few clues. The last tip I had was Berlin so after my interview fiasco I fled.

"You know I also saw your interview last night. We need to work on your PR skills."

"You were the one I who put me in charge of relations." I say rather annoyed and almost angy.

"Obviously that was a mistake... this isn't good Eve... for any of us." I hang up then, if he honestly doesn't think I know that, he's dumber than we all think he is. I turn left for the airport feeling the pressures all come over me. 

Upon landing in New York the aura is strange. It seems quieter than usual perhaps it's just me focusing in on every television and radio within reach because all they want to talk about is our blunders. There's footage from New York in 2012, Sokovia, LA, Harlem, London, even footage from WWII. They'd captured it all, all the bad we'd ever done even in the attempted good. I hang my head as I make my way towards Avengers tower. As I get closer I already recognize protesters forming.

I make my through without ushering a sound. Reporters lights flash and then once again I hear my name called. This time they swarm me as I move forward. No one one reaches out to touch me but the words hurled hurt just as much. I keep my mouth shut not knowing how to respond. Should I cry out in equal anger? Or should I just flat out cry. I hate how much hurt we've caused, but in my eyes it was a necessary hurt to keep the world afloat. I enter the building not knowing how I can face my fellow heroes.

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