The Most Sensational Man

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The fresh air hits me and it is much needed. The time trials have been going... quite terribly. Poor Scott had been through the wringer on the first attempt. I can't believe we even tried without Tony here. There's a bench near the front door in the shade which I pretty much collapse onto. Laying my head back I surprise myself by feeling quite peaceful. 

"Is this spot taken?" Opening my eyes I squint into the sun, Steve appears, blocking the sun's rays for a moment. I nod and then put my head back again trying to spare myself from an oncoming headache. I feel a slight change as Steve sits beside me. He doesn't say a word. 

I don't move a muscle as I say, "We tried Steve."

"We're so close. Banner will figure it out." The bench creaks as he leans forward. His overly auspicious tone causes me to follow his movements. His hopefulness and his surety makes me feel a bit depressed. The way it stands now I don't see anyway this could work. I open my mouth to protest but shut it swiftly. There's no need to bring the situation down any further because everyone is doing all they can to have a breakthrough. 

Falling slightly to the side I rest my head on Steve's shoulder and entwine my arm with his. We'd faced the fire before, we could get through this, and somehow we will succeed. He turns slightly and rests his lips on my head. I squeeze my eyes shut just living in the moment. My moment of bliss, however, is interrupted by a deafening noise breaking the silence. Steve and I are startled into separation. I walk to where the sidewalk meets the road. Shielding my eyes from the sun with my hand I see who it is. I let out a surprised laugh and then turn to Steve. I can tell he's pleased but also deep down I know that they're still not on the greatest of terms. 

Tony speeds over to us, but he goes a bit too far, he reverses until he's even with us. I can't hide my smile as he rolls down the window. I leap forward and grab him through the open window. It has only been a few days but with him here there is truly a chance now. He returns my unruly hug and when I pull away I see that he's hiding his signature smirk. Leaning forward just a little he looks past me to Cap. "Why the long face?" He flicks his glasses down the brdige of his nose. "Let me guess: He turned into a baby."

"Among other things, yeah. What are you doing here?" I look up mildly upset that he would posit the question. I step back as Tony opens his car door completely ignoring Steve's question.

"That's the EPR paradox..."

"How are my kids?" I interject. He does a double take as if he were entirely surprised I interrupted him. 

"Kids are great. Happy's got 'em flying high on burgers and fries." I nod, pretty much what I expected. He takes a moment to rest a hand on my arm which isn't something I remember him doing in the past. He looks into my eyes and reassures me, as only a parent could, "They miss you." He pauses for just a moment and it's in this moment that I know we have an understanding of each other. He pats my arm once before turning to the trunk of his car.

"As I was saying... The EPR paradox... Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang. It's tricky. Dangerous. Somebody shoulda cautioned you against it." His hands freeze on the trunk not yet opening itm fishing for an answer.

Steve hasn't swayed from his unimpressed demeanor yet. He answers unamused, "You did." 

"Oh, did I?" He asks, acting like he did not. "Thank God I'm here. Regardless, I fixed it." He holds up his right hand which has a device on it. "A fully functioning Time-Space GPS. I just want peace." He flashes a peace sign. "Turns out, resentment is corrosive, and I hate it.

"Me too." He says simply. It does seem to break down a bit of his guard. 

"We got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities: Bring back what we lost? I hope, yes. Keep what I got?" He looks to me pleading to my parental side, "I have to, at all costs." He looks to both of us now. "And... maybe not die trying will be nice." The two men still seem icy towards one another but there seems to be an understanding. 

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