Bound By Legacy

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Hey guys! I promised I'd be back for one more update. I've taken about a week and a half away from writing and it's been really nice but at the same time I feel like something is missing. Looking back at this story in its entirety I am so proud. I want to thank you all once again for reading and to reassure you all that I'm going to be doing a sequel! It's titled Bound By Legacy and I'm working on the logistics as we speak. 

Bound By Legacy will follow Evelyn and Bucky in the aftermath of Endgame and the effects that losing Steve and Tony have on both of them. I also want to say that it will cover the events of Far From Home and all the upcoming projects especially the new Falcon & Winter Soldier show. As we get closer to that era of the MCU I will give you some specific details! 

So excited to be back. If you want stick around because I'll answer a few frequently asked questions below! 

"Do you have a Spotify Playlist?" 

I do! Two to be exact. My profile is Elora Maxwell and I have an entire Wattpad folder that has playlists for all stories in the works. The link to this particularly one is below.

"Where does your inspiration come from?"

It's quite a simple answer actually. I get a lot of gumption from fan edits on Youtube. Most of which come from Slyfer2812 and TheGaroStudios. They're both absolutely incredible and I used a lot of their videos throughout this story (one of which you can view above). Definitely go show them some love.

"Where did the character of Evelyn come from?" 

Evelyn is the best character I have ever created in my opinion. In the beginning she was just a girl along for the ride but as I continued to write I began taking from so many incredible women I admire. There is a lot of me in her as well as my little sister but by the end she had become her own person. My favorite thing about Evelyn, outside of her relationship with Bucky was creating her connections with Clint, Tony, and Nick. Jenna Louise Coleman is my wonderful model for this character and she never ceases to amaze me in her chosen roles. Her story is not over yet, I am so excited to further explore her role as a mother, a wife, and an agent.

"What's your favorite MCU film? And your favorite film overall?"

My favorite MCU film has been The Winter Soldier since the moment I first saw it and I heard 'on your left' for the first time. It's not only an incredible superhero film, but a great film period. It was the first Marvel premiere I went to and I was so inspired. The Russo's are visionaries and I am forever thankful for what they did in that film for the genre. 

My favorite film of all time is Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window. It's a masterclass in tension building and character development not to mention that Grace Kelly is a goddess. Some of my other favorite films are Anastasia, Roman Holiday, Dunkirk, Rogue One, Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Jurassic Park.

"Do you have social media?"

I most definitely do! Follow me on Twitter @EloraMaxwell and/or Instagram @EloraMaxwell17. I announce a lot of my updates and such as well as talk movies and pop culture!

"What's next for you?"

While a sequel is in the early works, I am following a long time dream of writing some historical fiction pieces. Right now I'm doing a Titanic novella and a Texas Revolution story. I would be so grateful if you supported me in those! I thank you all in advance for your patience while I follow some dreams in writing.

Love you all so so so so so so much! Thank you all for reading! I'll update you guys on the sequel soon!

Signing off one more time,


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