Across The Pond

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6 Months Later

The hallway grows dimmer as we hurry deeper into the bunker. Peggy walks in stride next to me and Howard Stark falls in with us as we make our way to the control room. We'd made it in right before the night raids had begun. The whole hall shakes as a shell hits somewhere above us on the surface. I've been in service for 4 months but this is my first night overseas. I'm told we're near Dieppe France where a rather unsuccessful raid is happening. 

I'm confident in my team of Peggy and Howard but I wish Steve was allowed to join us. All three of us tried everything to get him to come, but the higher ups of the SSR agreed with the government that Steve is best served at home... which pisses me off.

 which pisses me off

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When Howard opens the door for us our surroundings come alive. We've left the soldiers and those of the British army and fallen into the bustle of S.S.R. agents. I twist my ring in silence as the nerves of talking to my father consume me. He was so angry at me for sending Steve to Doctor Erskine, but honestly it's better because it worked. Steve is out in the States, safe. James is still alive somewhere over here. 

My mind flashes back to the night we made promises.

  "Don't scare me like that Eve. Promise me you'll never come over. Even if your dad needs you. Even if I'm on my deathbed... Promise me you won't come to the front lines."  

His words and my answer echo through my head as my father approaches me. I slam the thoughts down and quickly straighten to salute. Peggy does the same. 

"At ease." He says standing before us. He's not my father anymore, the war has taken every ounce of that life from him. His eyes are hollow and what was once usual cheerfulness is nonexistent. There must be serious shit going down if he'd call Margaret and I from our stations in Jersey. I know Peggy was dying to get out and help because she was overjoyed when she read her dispatch. Sometimes she reminds me too much of Steve. "We're shipping out now. Grab your things." Another bomb explodes overhead as he walks by us leaving us to ask questions. The battle won't make leaving possible until morning, but then again being underground all day hasn't exactly made me prone to what hour it is.

"He's a real charmer isn't he." Peggy exclaims as my father exits the room.

"He used to be..." I whisper.

"You ladies want a drink." I turn my attention to Howard who's already made a little home on one of the tables. 

Pulling out a briefcase he opens it and inside is a whiskey and a few small glasses. I roll my eyes, "You've got to be kidding me Howard." He glances over his shoulder with a signature Stark smirk. 

"I don't want to be stuck in this hell hole all night without a little fun." He pops the top off and pours the three of us drinks. Every bit of logic in me tells me not to break the rules but then another shell shakes the bunker. I step forward and Peggy steps up right behind me. We lift our glasses with a clink and then I down it.

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