Becoming Iron

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Last night had been extremely draining for everyone, especially for Tony. After everyone had made their comments towards him he finally explained why he had done what he had done. I agreed with him I really did. He and I had lost almost everything and had been doing this savior thing for a very long time. 

Everything after that altercation was a blur, something about Wakanda, something about nuclear codes, something else about the internet. This was stuff still not too familiar to myself in this time. I hadn't been able to find a moment alone with Steve or Tony, and even now as I suit up to go I hadn't been able to say anything on my mind. 

Just when I find the moment where I might get Steve alone I'm stopped by Clint. He lightly forces me back into a room where he looks down and up again uncertain on where to begin. Wanting everyone to just be open with one another I encourage him to say what's on his mind. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do but..." He can't seem to make eye contact with me.

"Clint. Please just say what you want to say."

"I was wondering if you might stay here... go back to my farm and stay with my family." I'm taken aback by this, I had thought that he might ask something of me that would be more in line with what I did in my early years. "I know that this is your opportunity to be an Avenger, I would never take that from you, but I've left my family before and I just can't bring myself to leave them alone. I'd stay myself, but the others don't know about them and I just want them to be safe." I cut him off embracing him.

Of course I'd thought I'd be given this purpose in the group, but this meant more to me than anything I could do for this well rounded team. Clint was needed here and I'd hardly seen the sun of battle in a while so yes it was best for me to do this. "Of course." I say. I step away keeping one hand on a shoulder. "Do you really think this could escalate into an immediate global issue?"

"I don't want to risk it. I trust you to take care of them if it does." 

"I'll go right away."

"I knew you would." He smiles before squeezing my hand and then stepping away. When he gets out of sight I see that Steve is standing by the door. I cross my arms over my chest and wait for him to speak.

"You're leaving." He doesn't ask.

Frantic for any alibi that doesn't give up Clint's position I say the first thing that comes to mind. "I don't have a place here." It's not a lie.

"All due respect, but we need everyone we can get... If you're worried about being a little rusty..."

"It's not that."

He steps inside the room now. "You can't leave like this again."

"Again?" I ask wanting him to explain it so I can get a gauge on how he truly feels.

"You left just like this when SHIELD fell, you can't expect me keep waiting for you to be ready." This statement makes me angry. I was going to tell him but now I see what Clint means with trusting everyone with their secret. The mission was the thing that mattered above all else, for Steve especially. When you have no one it could get to be that way... I scold myself for being so cold towards him, I was all he truly had left of his past.

"I understand that you're angry at me, but sometimes there are things more important than the mission." He had given everything in the war and again when SHIELD fell. 

"Not this time." He says with a smug look. He turns away before I can say another word. I'm left feeling distraught. I don't remember a time we had fought face to face. I hated to hurt him in that way, but if everything went smoothly they'd return and the world be safe. There would be time to make it up to him.

I finally find it within myself to go out to the landing platform where everyone had made it aboard... Well all except Tony. When he casually walks towards me, drapes and arm over my shoulder and steers me back inside. "Where are you taking me Stark."

"Let's just say I know what you're up to and that I think I have something that will make the flight a little easier." I pull away from him, speechless. He'd teased me months ago when I first came to live with him, that he'd make me a suit someday. I'd always thought he said the things he did to show off but the gesture, if true was something incredible. He pushes the button on the elevator to go up a floor, his personal work space. "Hey and don't worry about Cap either, he won't be that way for long."

"Does he always get this way before missions."

Tony shrugs. "Only the world saving ones."

I let out a small laugh. "So fairly often." The doors open to a room with more than two dozen suits. I step in, I'm in awe of it all and can't take my eyes off of them all until Tony calls from across the way. He's stopped at a silver and red suit that looks very much like his own only it's smaller in stature. "Tony, I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything." I climb in without his permission Which he looks aghast at. "Just know that until you really learn how to use it I'll be able to control it from my suit." It closes around me. 

"I suppose I'm acting like a child just now aren't I?"

"Well when one gets a new toy..." He's cut off by a female voice as my helmet clicks into place.

"Hello Ms. Moore."

"Uh Tony? Who is this that's talking to me?"

"I'm JENNA. Your personal assistant."


"It seems that Mr. Stark has left for his mission. Captain Rogers is very anxious about heading out."

"JENNA can you let me out?"

Without an answer my suit cracks open and I step out. Once I have my feet on the floor it closes back up and the eyes stop glowing. I turn to the window just as the Avenger's jet pulls away. Out of the corner of my eye I look back at my hardware. It's very intimidating. 

I could see myself becoming very careless in that thing. I'd never been armored like that. It had only ever been me, my raw self, when going up against the opposition. Now I could be the intimidating one. Don't get me wrong, I'd miss being underestimated but with this I could really help people. I could become a true asset to this team.

"JENNA?" The suit opens up. "Take me to the Barton's farm." The suit seals me in tight and the screens come to life in front of me.

"Mr. Stark already sent me the details." The flight path is marked and then a giant window opens to the city. I take a deep breath as I step up to the edge.

"JENNA, what happens if I pass out?"

"I'd land and call first responders." I smile at her response. We'll get along just fine.

"Something tells me that Tony wouldn't like that very much. So let's take it easy." I take a deep breath before taking a step out. As soon as I've cleared the building I feel the boosters at my feet and at my palms ignite. I stabilize myself maybe 20 floors from the ground. I can't help but beam, that was exhilarating. I throw my arms at my side and blast higher into the sky. It's easier to control than I thought it would be, almost as if it can read my thoughts. It moves easily with my body anticipating my movements. I swirl and dive through the air yelling out in pure adrenaline. Suddenly I feel the suit pull me in a completely different direction, west to be exact.

Tony comes into view. "I gave that to you to fly cross country not to show it off to every media outlet in the city. Everyone's going to want a suit now." 

"I'm sorry Tony. I just couldn't resist."

"Well it is a common side effect." He seems annoyed but I actually do think he's just a little bit proud that I showed it off. "We're debriefing now so I'm handing control over to JENNA now. I'll see you in a few hours." He signs off. I shoot up a quick prayer for them all before succumbing to Tony's wishes. I bid JENNA to go and we blast off high above the city towards open air space of the west.

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