Tag You're It

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When we've made it to Korea and have found our way inside the U-Gin Lab Steve and I can already tell that something went wrong. At the door to the main research room I scan for life. "Over there." I point towards the corner where the heat resonates from. Steve spots her as I lower my arm and my helmet. 

I kneel down beside the two of them. "He's uploading himself into the body." Dr. Cho says with some trouble. I rest a hand on her shoulder reassuring her that she's safe now. "The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up." She pauses looking straight to me. She takes a wavering breath before she can continue. "You have to get the Cradle to Stark.." I nod my head.

"We have to find it first." Steve says standing up.

"Go." Helen says shifting to alleviate pain. I stand to join Steve. He stops me immediately.

"Stay here." He starts to walk away but I grab his arm.

"You are not sidelining me." I gesture to my body. "Look at me, I'm not just an agent anymore... I can help."

He shakes his head. "No. Stay here. I will tell you when to come come in, not before not after." I let go of his arm and turn back to Cho.

"Did you guys copy that?" Steve says as he exits the room. Was he referring more to my insistence or Cho's information I couldn't tell.

"We did." Clint says curtly.

"I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him." That's something I could really be a help with. I'm itching to get out there and do what I can but I bite my tongue. I try to shut out the chatter from the others and focus on putting pressure on Helen's wound.

By the time the EMT's have arrived at the door Helen's let me take my leave not wanting to be questioned anymore than either of us wanted to. I've made it to the roof when the mission speak becomes to the front of my mind again.

"The package is airborne. I have a clean shot." Clint says. I watch in the distance as our jet zooms across the skyline.

"Negative. I am still in the truck."

"JENNA... Get me over there." I've barely let the words go before I've left the roof entirely. 

"What the hell are you...?" Clint again.

"Just be ready, I'm sending the package to you."

"How do you want me to take it?" He asks.

"I've got you." I say.

"Oh, Evelyn nice of you to finally join us." Natasha says.

"Sorry Steve was taking a little too long to tag me." I say pulling back on the speed a little bit. "I'm beneath you Nat."

"Can you catch us both?" That was actually a great question.

"Uhh... I guess we'll find out... Can we do that JENNA?"

"We can Ms. Moore."

"Alright Nat we can do it." She was already pushing her way out of the airborne trailer anway.

"Ladies, we gotta go." This is from Clint. The Cradle free falls and I'm able to slide underneath it holding it across my back. I can't help but beam with my accomplishment. "Nat! Cap, you see Nat?" My smile fades as I try to look back.

"Nat?" I call out. No answer. I look down it was clear. She hadn't fallen. "She's still on the trailer." I whisper. Suddenly I'm frozen, hovering in the air space not knowing what to do. Steve's voice brings me back.

"If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!" Right I whisper to myself. Clint is coming up above me. I boost myself up as he begins hovering where he last saw Natasha.

"Do you have eyes on Nat?" He asks me as I fly up into the back. He looks back at me he looks panicked. "What happened?"

"Go!" Steve yells across. I'm still processing what must have happened, but Clint takes a hard stop and then a tight turn throwing me against the Cradle. We fly in silence until I finally find my words.

"She didn't make it out of the trailer." Clint looks over at me. I've unsuited myself making my emotions visible. He notices my sadness. 

"It wasn't your fault." He begins as if he were a father comforting a daughter. You were just following orders, just like I was. We have what we were sent here for. We'll figure it out." I nod. His sentiments were kind but I can't help but feel part of it was my fault. I ride the rest of the way in silence pondering what would have happened had I been there since the beginning. Had I disobeyed Steve and done my own thing. 

"She's alive." I say out loud it wasn't so much a sentiment for Clint but for myself. It seems to comfort him though, which gives me confidence that I am correct in saying it.

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