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To my dismay, our Special Operations Squad was relocated to an old Survey Corps base along with Eren. I was not told of the reason, although it was certainly to do with Eren's shifting abilities. Unfortunately for me, the trip to the old base was made while my injury was still fresh. Despite Tempest's best efforts, every collision of his hooves with the ground sent a series of sharp twinges up my spine. Nevertheless, I refused to be left behind if Eren was moved. 

As we rode, I was sure to stay near the back where my discomfort would go unnoticed, and for once my horse willingly remained behind the pack. Oluo kept the squad members' attention for the most part as we rode. Fortunately, this allowed for me to remain relatively ignored other than an occasional nervous glance from Eren. 

Eventually, Oluo's overuse of his tongue got the best of him, and a misstep of his horse led to him biting into it sharply. With his tongue now bleeding, the group fell into a comfortable silence. Of course, it did not last long as Eren soon began to badger me about previous expeditions. 

"How did your first expedition go? What's it like outside the walls? I hear it's beautiful," he rambled.

A pained smile graced my lips, but I merely shook my head and gestured for him to turn around in order to pay attention to where he was going. Unfortunately, the abnormal behavior was quickly noticed by both Eren as well as Levi; however, neither brought it up. 

When we reached the base, I slid carefully from Tempest as to avoid suspicion. My plan went awry the moment my feet hit the ground, and my body crumpled nearly immediately. The stallion brought his head to my level and examined me with concern in his eyes as Eren came running to my side. 

"Sky, are you alright?"

I nodded feebly and allowed him to lift me back onto my feet, feeling extremely dazed. The corporal gave his orders to the group while I slid the saddle from Tempest, only for Eren to snatch it from my grasp and put it on the fence for me. I shakily reached for a pick and dutifully cleaned the stones from Tempest's feet while resting nearly all of my body weight against him. 

It was only when I stood again that the stoic corporal came to join us and quickly sent Eren elsewhere.

"You're hurt," he mused.

"No shit."


"Guess I won't be very useful in cleaning this damn place."

My chuckle resulted in a twinge of pain, and it did not go unnoticed. Levi lead my stallion to the nearest stall before returning to my side and grabbing my arm roughly. Before I could protest, I was being dragged through the base while the others removed any sign of dust from the inside of it. I was swiftly shoved onto a bed with the corporal standing over me.

My adrenaline induced lapse in sanity caused me to playfully take the corporal's cravat in my hand and drag him towards me to place a messy kiss on his lips. I released him quickly and giggled at his dumbfound expression.

"You're cute corporal."

I shifted further onto the mattress and patted the spot beside me. He rolled his eyes, the color finally beginning to leave his face again, but sat next to me regardless. I forced myself into a sitting position and rested my head on his shoulder, feeling an intense need for comfort as I remembered that Eren was now part of the military branch that would be the most likely to result in his untimely death.

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