The Trial

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The crowded room in which Eren's trial was held was undoubtedly tense and uncomfortable for all who were present. The crowd were all on edge, preparing for it to begin as the boy was dragged out in chains. My breath caught in my throat as they slammed a pole between Eren's back and his cuffed hands, effectively trapping him. The stress only worsened the pounding headache courtesy of my recent encounter with a stone wall. 

My discomfort did not go unnoticed by the ravenette corporal beside me, but he could do little to comfort me other than discreetly brush his hand against my own. I glanced at him with fearful eyes before returning my gaze to the boy, who looked terrified and lost kneeling before us all. My heart withered when his green orbs met mine, as this was a situation I could not possibly save him from no matter how much I cared for him. Despite being aware of this, he seemed to relax after realizing I was present. 

His faith in me only greatened my sorrow, as it was misplaced. I had no power over what would happen to him, nor did I have any sort of plan to save him. That would be left to Erwin and Levi, and would require Eren to be put into harms way, likely for the rest of his life. Any outcome of this trial would have its own set of repercussions, and it was due to this that for once I felt utterly powerless.

I knew that the trial had begun, but I did not pay heed to a word that was said and instead trained my eyes on the brunette whom the trial was for. Memories of the young boy helping collect firewood, wanting to learn to cook, and waddling into my room at ungodly hours of the night to alleviate his nightmares flooded my vision. I was only pulled from my trance when Levi left his place at my side to leap the rail and approach Eren. 

Immediately, I turned to watch Mikasa's every move while the sounds of blows rang out. Her eyes darkened and she went to take a stand, but a warning glare from me convinced Armin to hold her in place. Despite knowing the reason behind it, I could not bring myself to watch as Eren was beaten by the man who I placed all of my trust in. Although it was for Eren's own good, rising anger had every muscle in my body tense and burning. 

When the corporal returned to my side, I did not make eye contact, as I was sure I would not be able to keep myself from making a snarky comment at the very least. Even though his actions were justified and necessary, I could not bring myself to allow him to touch me whatsoever and was sure to avoid his hand when he subtly tried to brush against me. When he surveyed me however, I was sure to keep my face entirely blank as to avoid confrontation.

Finally, the trial was over and Eren was released into our custody. Levi quickly made his way to his office the moment we reached headquarters, and I let out a sigh before following him. I was well aware that my behavior at the trial was unnecessary, and likely stung the corporal ever so slightly. 

Before I reached his office, I was pulled aside by Hange and lead into a nearby room. Inside was a couch, and on it was Eren Jaeger. I was at his side instantly, and his arms found their way around me naturally the moment I reached him.

"I'm so sorry," I said quietly, taking a shuddering breath as I considered what Carla may have said in regards to my failure to protect her son.

"It was the only way, I wish it wasn't," I continued sadly, still not having been released from his grip.

"It's fine. I get to protect you now! I finally made it to the Survey Corps."

"Although I must say I would have preferred you to reach it through the conventional route, at least you're here," I smiled, pulling away to examine the boy's quickly healing face.

I was sure to hide my fear for his future behind the smile, and noticed how much he had grown since I first met him. He was nearly an adult, yet his eyes still held the innocence and will of a child. After a few moments, another person entered the room and sat beside me, putting his arm over my shoulders leisurely.

"Corporal Levi," Eren greeted, immediately falling into a salute despite his seated position.

Levi only waved him off and started casual conversation as I slowly drifted off into my own mind while leaning on the corporal's chest. Finally, I stood to allow the two to converse and attempt to begin a normal first meeting. 

"I should see if I can unwrap these damn things," I grunted as I left, scratching at the bandages under my shirt uncomfortably.

It was only a half truth, as I did not go to the healer as I implied and instead returned to my room to unwrap the bandages myself, growing impatient with the discomfort they caused. I could nearly move with little pain, and it seemed that the only problematic injuries consisted of my pounding head and possibly bruised or broken rib, neither of which could be solved by a bandage.

Aware that the corporal would be preoccupied with Eren for the time being, I visited Tempest in his pasture. My ribs screamed in protest when I attempted to clamber onto his back, but the stallion noticed my struggle and hit the floor quickly to lay down in front of me. Once I was secure, he rose to his feet and set off at a leisurely walk across the field. After the insanity the day had brought upon me, I decided that a relaxing ride would be in my best interest rather than spending my time staring at the ceiling of my room. Once we came upon a clearing, I leaned down on the stallion's back and allowed my mind to drift while he grazed. 

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