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My life with the Jaeger family felt like a dream. Although I had never been hopeful enough to dream of something this wonderful. During my time here, Eren had grown and I had taken to cleaning the house as well as taking care of him. Carla was usually the one to cook seeing as I could barely turn on the stove without nearly burning down the entire house. Her food was amazing but I stayed away from most of the meat because one day after eating it I became ill. Grisha had given me medicine to help with the fever but it was apparently one of his own creations and it required me to be stabbed with a bigass needle. Never again. I also had to watch my language since there were always children around.

A young girl named Mikasa had also joined the household. Memories of the day she arrived still play through my head. Despite putting up brave fronts, both Eren and Mikasa had been damaged when they killed the men who held her captive.


I was nearly asleep after hours of battling my thoughts when the door to my room swung open.

"Whoever you are I hope you have a good reason for this shit," I hissed, shooting up in bed.

"I'm sorry," a small voice whispered sadly, causing my heart to nearly break.

Standing in the doorway was Eren, shaking with tears streaking down his tan face.

"Come here," I smiled at him.

The young boy shuffled over before plopping onto the bed next to me. His tears had stopped but his face was still slightly pink from crying.

"Eren, what's wrong baby?" I asked lightly.

"I killed them."

He gripped the front of my shirt tightly in his balled up fists as his fierce gaze met my own. Despite being a child, his eyes were full of pure ferocity. I brought one hand to stroke his back and pull him towards me. His small form curled into my side as we laid on the bed. As soon as his face met my shoulder, it was soaked in hot tears. His body wracked with small but quiet sobs.

"Eren, you are so brave. You saved Mikasa and you saved yourself. I wish you never had to but I am proud that you found the strength to keep yourself and her alive."

He nodded in response and the sobs became less frequent as I lightly rubbed his back. It wasn't long before soft snores echoed through the room. I smiled down at his sleeping form as the door opened once again.

"Shh," I whispered.

This time it was Carla. She noticed Eren immediately and smiled before leaving. I did not sleep that night, as it was the first time I truly considered enlisting in the military.

(Flashback Over)

Sadly, I was jolted awake from this dream by a tall man in a green uniform arriving at our door. Grisha was the one who opened it, revealing a blonde man with blue eyes and huge eyebrows. Carla, the kids, and I were sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"I am here to speak with Skylar," the man said curtly

"I'm afraid there is no one here by that name sir," Grisha challenged, a glint in his eye.

"My name is Erwin Smith. I am a member of the Survey Corps and I highly recommend you allow me to speak with her or the Military Police will be by to arrest her shortly. She will then be returned to the Underground where she will rot."

I would not be returned to that hell. I brought one last spoonful of porridge into my mouth before standing and pushing in my chair.

"Grisha. If what he says is true, then I don't have a choice," I sighed.

He nodded his head in understanding before stepping aside, allowing Erwin to enter. I stood my ground as the man approached, towering over me.

"Hey!" Eren's small voice rang out as he leapt between Erwin and I, kicking the blonde man in the leg and shoving me back.

"Eren!" Carla yelled, reaching out to pull him away.

Eren dodged her hand and glared up at Erwin who was smiling in amusement.

"No one's allowed to take Sky back to that place!" the boy commanded

"That's what I can help her avoid," Erwin informed.

I knelt down beside Eren and pulled him into a warm embrace.

"Eren. I'll be alright kiddo don't worry."

"Promise?" he sniffled, his green eyes full of hope.

"I promise. Now stay here with your mom I'll be right back."

I ruffled his hair before giving him a light push towards Carla and walking out the door.

"Why outside," Erwin questioned as soon as he joined me.

"My family doesn't need to hear whatever it is you need me to do."

He nodded in agreement before holding his hand out in greeting.

"My name's Erwin Smith."

I stared at his outstretched hand with disdain before shaking it.

"I'm aware. And as you are aware, I am Skylar."

A faint smile crossed his face before being replaced my a blank stare. He shifted beck and forth for a moment before letting out a sigh

"As you heard, you are to be arrested later today as the people who released you and gave you citizenship had enemies. Your citizenship has been revoked and the man who ordered for your release has disappeared."

"So basically I'm fucked," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Not quite. I have made a deal that involves you joining the Survey Corps. If you do so, your citizenship will remain valid."

My breath caught in my throat as the realization hit me like a brick wall.

"Either way I will have to leave them?" I questioned, glancing through the still open door and locking eyes with Eren.

"I'm sorry. If you were to join the Corps you could continue to visit for however long you manage to survive," he informed, his words tearing my gaze from Eren and turning it back to him.

"That's reassuring," I spat.

"I won't lie to you. It is a dangerous job and there are many who don't make it back to their families. You'll be offering up your life for humanity. However, in fighting with us you can create a better world for that boy."

I imagined Eren standing over my gravestone, tears streaming down his face as he says his last goodbyes. Then I was graced with an image of a world without titans. Where Eren was able to leave the walls and explore the outside world. I could help create that for him and for myself. 

"Then I suppose I'll just have to survive. I won't return to the Underground," I decided.

"I was hoping you'd say that. Will you offer up your heart?," Erwin asked, putting his hand over his heart in a salute.

I met his fierce gaze with my own and returned the salute with pride, pushing back the sadness of leaving my newfound family.

"Yes sir!"

"Welcome to the Survey Corps."

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