Ride of a Lifetime

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My heart sank with dread the moment my body left the mattress to meet the cool, unforgiving air. The chills that ran down my spine were fueled further by the thought of today's expedition, but a hand on my back allowed a sense of security to return to my erratic mind and put my body at ease if only for a moment.

"Good morning Levi," I said gently, keeping the fear out of my tone as best as I could.

"Morning," he responded gruffly, retracting his hand in order to push himself into a sitting position.

The previous night had been uneventful, as the the tension was much too strong for us to want to do anything except enjoy each other's presence in silence. Sleep was fleeting, but my nerves were enough to keep me alert and on edge despite the lack of rest my body suffered from. With a sigh, I turned and planted a kiss on the corporal's cheek before heading to the small side office to change into the uniform and gear I had brought with me the night before. My hands shook lightly as they fastened the multitude of intricate leather straps, nearly missing a few in the process.

"I'm going to get Tempest ready," I called as I walked through the corporal's room towards the door.

"We don't leave for over an hour," he responded, crossing his arms over his chest with slightly downturned lips.

"Exactly. I need Tempest in the best condition possible. Besides it's relaxing," I added quietly.

Levi stepped in front of me before I could reach the door, a stern expression etched into his face.

"You'll live," he stated curtly, staring me down as though challenging me to protest.

"Levi, if I don't then it's not your fault. Don't be looking out for me out there if it could cost you, you're the one humanity needs," I replied steadily before moving around the raven haired man to the door.

"You will live," he muttered under his breath as I pushed through the door, nearly stopping me in my tracks.

I shook my head to dissipate the urge to argue, and instead continued on towards Erwin's office where I knew he would be preparing. The halls were eerily empty, allowing my footsteps to echo as my legs merely carried me to my destination. The wooden door seemed almost menacing as the realization of the effect my plan would have fully hit me. With another shake of my head, I rapped my fist against the door twice and listened for a response.

"Name?" Erwin's deep voice called out from the other side.

"It's Skylar. May I come in sir?"

"Come in."

My heart thudded against my chest as it tried to convince my mind to abandon my plan, but I could not allow Levi to risk himself for my sake. The words left my mouth as soon as I came to face the commander.

"Is it possible to change my position for this expedition for the time being?"

Silence draped over us as Erwin's tired eyes widened in surprise at my request.

"We are going through the cities the titans have already overrun. Why is it that you'd prefer to not be with the group you have trained with on such a dangerous operation?" he questioned, trying to keep up appearances even as his shoulders slumped in obvious exhaustion.

"A change of scenery?" I joked lightly.

"Is it Levi?"

"Not specifically. I feel that if I am with a group with whom I have built connections with, they may do something rash for my sake and that is something I wish to avoid," I replied carefully.

The commander ran a hand over his face thoughtfully before shaking his head.

"I can change your position only until we reach the outer wall. I cannot make any last minute changes to the formation once we are beyond it," he said finally.

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