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Our horses' hooves beat against the cobbled road harmoniously as we raced towards the Trost district at a frightening speed. Despite the near flat run our horses were holding, the progress was painfully slow as we weaved through streets and alleys to avoid titans. I forced myself and Tempest to maintain a speed possible for Levi's mount, which only heightened my anxiety. The wall shielding Trost had already been broken from what I could tell, and I feared that the cadets and the Garrison were the last line of defense keeping the titans from breaching the larger wall.

When eventually the wall came into view, I realized that the only way through would be either to abandon Tempest on this side of the wall, or sprint through the narrow opening and hope to avoid the grasp of any nearby titans. The final choice was to go around to the entrance from which the corps left and go at it that way. Large footsteps resounding from the inside of the wall and the sight of what looked to be young soldiers perched on the wall were all it took to make a decision. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were likely in there fighting for their lives, assuming they had not already been lost. I could waste no time, and it was likely that this was where I was to lose my life.

I glanced back to shoot Levi a smile, ignoring the confused glance the raven haired man shot back at me. With a sigh, I stroked Tempest's muscled neck reassuringly and released all pressure on the reigns to allow him to reach what was near his top speed. I ignored the corporal's protests, and only slowed down when I reached the hole in the wall that had once been a gate to better maneuver. With a shout, I weaved through the legs of a pair of titans and raced towards the safety of the inner wall. On the way I passed a large titan abnormally carrying a boulder towards the hole I had emerged from, and watched multiple cadets I recognized from the 104th group bait titans away from it to be caught.

Once through the gate and for the most part out of danger, I raced Tempest through the inner gate just as it closed entirely, having allowed most of the crowd through. I quickly leapt from his back and scaled the wall to race back in the direction of the opening. My eyes narrowed as they caught sight of a familiar blonde. Armin was standing on a roof beside Mikasa staring at the abnormal, yet Eren was nowhere to be found. With a sense of urgency, I sped directly towards them and landed lightly on the rooftop as the titan dropped to its knees with the boulder in front of it, successfully plugging the hole.

"Eren?" I questioned dully, scanning the ground that was littered with body parts and blood.

Mikasa met my cold gaze with one of her own and pointed at the abnormal as Armin rushed towards it.

"He's there," she said quietly, causing me to tilt my head in confusion.

A young female garrison member appeared through the steam and followed Mikasa and I to the ground behind the abnormal. I watched in awe as Armin carefully cut into the titan's neck, revealing part of the body of a young brunette.

"Mind the stragglers, pull back!" the garrison member warned.

As Mikasa responded to the woman, I inspected the still body in Armin's arms and called up to him.

"Is he alright?"

"Unconscious and scorching to the touch! We must get him up the wall," the blonde replied, attempting to pull Eren from the titan.

I nodded as Mikasa went to join him, and turned to face the group of titans that was fast approaching. With careful calculation, I hooked onto the wall behind us and scaled it effortlessly. A moment later, I pushed off of it and towards the titans to sail towards them with my blades drawn. I used the momentum to spin and slice through the two nearest titans' necks, but was distracted as I noticed a soldier in the air beside me. I soon realized the identity despite him nearly becoming a blur as he cut through two of the remaining titans with ease.

My heightened focus on the ravenette allowed for me to see an abnormal leap from behind him, nearly going unnoticed. Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I redirected to push the corporal out of harms way. He let out a slew of curses as I shoved him, and many escaped my own mouth as the abnormal tripped on my grapple to send me crashing into the nearest building. I fought for control over my eyes as they refused to focus for more than a few seconds at a time. I could hear Levi redirect and bring down the abnormal with ease as I laid against the stone building behind me.

The corporal landed atop one of his victims gracefully and shot me a glance. I waved him off and forced myself to my feet despite my fading vision and pounding head. As the steam cleared, I stood beside the corporal dutifully now that the cadets were in no current danger. Levi glanced past me and towards the cadets, calling out to them while staring up at the titan Eren had previously been connected to.

"Pay attention, this is the part where you explain to me exactly what it is I'm looking at."

The cadets remained silent, and the corporal turned to me abruptly.

"Explain," he said simply.

"Eren is what I suppose you could describe as a titan shifter. From what I am aware of, he used the form of a titan to plug up the hole. Now we just have to pick off the remaining titans," I said quietly, gazing towards a dazed Eren with concern.

I had no clue what hell he would be put through, and now there was no way for his abilities to remain a secret. The worry only added to my growing headache. I heard Levi's stern voice order us to scale the wall, but my vision became obscured and I collapsed entirely, my aching body begging for rest.

The last thing I heard was a quiet "Shit" from Levi before I fell unconscious.

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