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I had only been in the Survey Corps for a month and was already regretting my decision. The training was easy enough, as I had known how to use the gear for years now and had become more fit since arriving from the Underground. From all the time I spent wasting away down there, the effects of the sun on my body had long since been forgotten. Now, the sun made me stronger and gave my body more energy than I had ever had before.

Despite the easy training, I was soon to go on my first expedition. My heart longed for my family as I strode by the stables for what seemed to be the tenth time that day. We were setting out for the journey tomorrow. The goal was to investigate old ruins that had been spotted on a past expedition. I was to be in a squad with Hanji and a few other members who I was not familiar with.

"Skylar," Levi's voice called out.

The raven haired man was leaned against the wall of the stables, his arms crossed and his eyes piercing through me.

"Hi Levi!" I smiled, suppressing a groan at the interruption of my peace.

What I had noticed in the Corps was a lack of life. The members seemed lifeless and dull, as though they had accepted their fate as titan food. During my time here, I was determined to change their attitudes or at least keep mine cheerful. The hope was that it would rub off on them. Perhaps they would be reminded of joy before we all died. I refused to die as a miserable, cold-hearted wreck.

"What are you smiling for?"

Speaking of which.

"I figure no one else does it around here. If we're all going to die anyways what's the point of moping about and spending the last bit of our lives in misery," I responded.

"You will live." He stated, finality in his voice.

Levi pushed himself off of the wall and headed back towards the barracks, leaving me to continue my walk.

"By the way, Erwin wishes to speak to you," he called over his shoulder.

"So stoic," I murmured, spinning on my heel and walking towards the building Erwin stayed in with the other higher ups.

Although his coldness was understandable, I often found myself missing the young man I met in the Underground. During my walk to meet the commander, images of Levi plagued my mind. Soon I found myself at the door to Erwin's office. My hand reached up to knock against the wood twice.


"Skylar. Levi informed me that you wished to discuss something?"

"Come in."

The door creaked and groaned as it swung open, the ungodly noises echoing down the hall. My legs felt like lead as I moved to stand in front of the commander, who sat at his desk and shuffled through paperwork. His eyebrows furrowed as his blue eyes moved up to meet mine.

"You will be joining Mike's Squad for the expedition tomorrow."

I raised a brow in question but knew better than to verbally question the commander.

"It was not by my choosing. Levi has been storming in here for the past week and demanding you be moved to the squad he will be in. I've never seen so much emotion from him, so I agreed. You can ask Levi to introduce you to the squad whenever you wish. Dismissed."

I nodded stiffly and began my walk back to the stables. My jaw dropped as soon as I was out of sight. Curiosity fueled me as my legs brought me back to my previous location. Unfortunately, the stables was now crowded as five men attempted to wrestle a new horse into a stall. The animal's screams could probably be heard from any building on the premises as it fought off the men. It was a beautiful brown and white stallion, although the brown was almost red. It's body shape was different than the usual horses around and it seemed to be better suited as a riding horse than one to pull carts.

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