Grooming and Gazing

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After our demonstration, Levi and I observed the cadets for a while longer before returning to the Survey Corps headquarters where we went our separate ways for the night. I chose to stay with Tempest and groom him for a while instead of joining the others at dinner. While most were asleep I was taking my time brushing through Tempest's thick fur, determined to get as much of the excess dust off of him as possible. As we stood in the pasture together the equine dutifully stayed in place as he grazed, enjoying the pampering he was receiving.

"What have you been getting into?" I huffed, spotting a bur deeply entangled in his mane.

Tempest eyed me curiously as I sat in the grass in order to easily reach his mane as he grazed. After bracing my fingers for the grueling task ahead, I began to carefully untangle the long strands of mane by hand. When I finally reached the bur, I was awarded with a sharp prick in the finger as I grabbed it.

"Damn," I hissed, adjusting my grip before pulling the mane out of the infuriating plant until only a few strands still connected it.

With one quick tug the bur was out of his mane and in my hand, staring mercilessly.

"Damn plant," I huffed, throwing the seed as far away as possible before using a brush to comb through the rest of the horse's mane.

Afterwards, I knelt down with a small metal hoof pick in hand and dislodged the hardened dirt and rocks from the underside of his hooves. He snorted uncomfortably as he attempted to graze and balance at the same time, but this was necessary to keep him sound.

When I was finished, I stood and used my hands to admire my handiwork. Although it was too dark to see, the soft texture of Tempest's mane and fur was evidence enough that I had made a prominent improvement to the state of the horse. Soon, his soft muzzle came to nudge my hand in curiosity before coming to rest on my shoulder lazily. The whiskers tickled my face slightly as his breathing slowed, signalling that he was close to sleep.

"Goodnight," I smiled, stroking the top of the stallion's nose caringly before grabbing my grooming supplies into a bucket and exiting the pasture.

After placing the bucket down inside of Tempest's previous stall, I headed back to my room to grab clothes before going to the showers. Fortunately, there would be no one there at these hours making it the safest time for a woman to bathe. At least, that was usually true, but tonight the candles were still lit. Cautiously, I peered my head around the corner and into the room to see a rather breathtaking sight.

Levi was the one occupying the usually empty bathing room, and he was already in the process. In other words, the corporal was standing stark naked in the shower with the hot water rolling over his skin. Scars on his back from the Underground and permanent indents where our gear usually sat were accentuated by the liquid. Only when my gaze began to move downward was I able to avert my eyes and leap backwards, my heart pounding.

"Skylar?" Levi asked, for once sounding surprised.

"I thought it would be empty," I stammered, my eyes glued to the floor.

"Tch," he responded, sounding extremely close to me but it may have been the sound bouncing off of the walls of the room.

My theory was proven wrong when a hand lifted up my chin, forcing my eyes to meet those of Levi who had loosely wrapped a white towel around his waist.

"Sorry," I said calmly, struggling to keep my gaze from exploring the corporal's muscled chest.

"Damn," I muttered absentmindedly as I lost the battle, allowing my eyes to wander over his slim yet toned body.

The awkward clearing of Levi's throat snapped my gaze back up to his pink tinted face. Even the tips of his ears were a slight pink.

"I apologize corporal, but you are quite attractive," I flirted, taking a step forward and analyzing his reaction before going any further.

I watched a look of surprise pass over Levi's face before it was replaced with something indiscernible and he closed the gap between our bodies. He let out a nearly inaudible gasp when one of my hands found its way into his wet hair and the other slid slowly down his chest. After a moment, I massaged his scalp carefully, tugging gently every so often as he relaxed into my touch. The corporal's arms quickly laced around my waist and tugged my body against his own, biting his lip when we made contact before pressing our lips together gently.

"I still need to shower," I informed, pulling away teasingly before turning to leave.

As I walked, I made sure to exaggerate the movement of my hips.

"Let me know when you're done," I called over my shoulder, only for his cold voice to stop me in my tracks.

"Stay. Save some water."

A/n: Smut? Implied smut? No smut? Smut in a different work that readers can go to if they would like to read it? Let me know what you guys are interested in reading :)

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