Departure and Arrival

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Warning: At the end there is a legit tiny accusation of prostitution but just in case, consider yourself warned?

(Skylar's POV)

Parting with the Jaeger family was agonizing. My body had felt as though it consisted of lead as I walked back into the home that I would no longer be sharing with the wonderful people I had met. When I informed them of my inevitable departure, Eren had clung to my leg and buried his face into it as he let out cries of anguish. Mikasa had shifted her gaze to mine, allowing a tear to escape her stormy eyes and slide down her porcelain cheek.

"I'll visit as often as I can," I had promised as I knelt down to Eren's level before pulling him and Mikasa into a reassuring hug.

Tears had threatened to break free of their confines as I glanced up at Carla and Grisha, both of whom looked back with teary eyes. However, I would not break in front of the children I had grown so close to.

"Please don't go," Eren pleaded.

"I will kill all of the titans and return to you. You are my family and I will always be back for you."

Those were the last words that were spoken before I hugged Grisha and Carla and packed my belongings. The familiar smell of the home filled my nostrils a final time as I headed to the door.


Eren's small voice had stopped me in my tracks as he ran to me with a dark blue scarf in his arms. I knelt when he reached me, my hand in a fist over my heart as I saluted.

"So you'll never be cold."

The young boy had wrapped the scarf around my neck before standing tall and returning my salute.

To think, that was only a few days ago. Since then, I have begun my training under Commander Erwin. Unlike most Cadets, I was not put through the same military training. Instead, Erwin decided to train me himself in order to discover what talents I already possessed. Tonight was the only break I would get from the rigorous exercise, as my introduction to the rest of the Corps would take place and I would be given time to meet the members.

No words were spoken as I walked out of the building I had been staying in and faced the small crowd of soldiers, immediately bringing my fist over my heart in a salute. I forced my lips to contort into a small, yet welcoming smile as I scanned the group. There were few who did not return my smile, as though it was contagious. As I ran my eyes over the crowd of faces, they met with familiar grey ones.

"Levi," I mumbled as his eyes widened in shock.

"This is our new recruit, Skylar. She is skilled and will be a fine soldier."

"Damn right she's fine," a man called from the crowd.

I glanced towards the voice and locked eyes with the man standing a few feet from Levi. He was very tan with short, light brown hair covering his head. His eyes were hazel and full of an emotion I had seen too many times on the faces of men in the underworld: lust.

"First day and there's a perv after me," I whispered, humming quietly as Erwin laughed at the words only he could hear.

A grunt of pain was heard, causing both of our smiles to drop as we turned to face the crowd. I found that the man was on the ground, clutching his stomach as Levi stood above him boredly.

"Alright everyone, I will need to speak with Skylar alone. Levi, stay here," Erwin ordered.

The crowd dispersed nearly immediately, with a few waving at me silently before heading to their rooms. Levi followed Erwin and I behind the building where we would not be seen or heard.

"Erwin. She will not join the Survey Corps," Levi said monotonously, his cold voice slicing through the silence.

"That is not your decision to make," I stated, causing the man to turn towards me.

"It's a death sentence," he replied.

"You're here," I shot back.

"Skylar has no choice unless she wishes to be returned to the Underground," Erwin interjected.

"Is that a threat?!" Levi yelled, surprising both of us.

"Not one made by me. I had to pull a few strings with members of the military police. She was to be arrested and dragged from her family unless she joined the Corps."

Levi stayed silent for a moment, his eyes holding an inundation of anger.

"I will talk to you both in the morning. For now I would like her to stay in your barracks if you both are willing." Erwin said, looking between both of us.

I glanced at Levi for his answer, only to be given a curt nod. I nodded as well and Erwin disappeared into the building.

"So. You found your family?" Levi questioned.

"I found a new one," I smiled.

His head tilted in a slight nod.

"How long have you been here Levi?"

"I was hired a few months after you left. My friends and I were supposed to kill Erwin and bring them a certain document in return for citizenship. In the end I was informed (during my first expedition) that Erwin already knew of their crimes and the document had already been handed to the government. The mission turned out to be pointless yet I chose to stay. I'm surprised the commander let me stay."

"I think that's the most you have ever said to me," I said, giggling slightly.


"And here you go again."

I leaned against the building and glanced up at the stars. The sound of the fall of a foot and a small thud informed me that Levi had joined me.

"I'd like to meet your friends," I said.

A sharp intake of breath was all I needed to hear to tell me that I had made a mistake. My eyes cautiously met those of Levi as a shiver made its way up my spine.

"They did not survive the first expedition," he responded coldly.

His eyes were as harsh as they had always been, if not more. He had changed since I had seen him last. His demeanor was dull and somber, as would be expected from someone who had lost everyone they cared about.

"I'm sorry. That is truly terrible and I wish there was a way I could have been of some use," I said finally.

The man rolled his eyes and grunted softly. Despite the lack of words, the guilt was easy to find in his steel eyes.

"It wasn't your fault," I stated.

"You've changed."

"How so?"

"You seem very happy. What did you find up here, above that hellhole?"

"I told you, a family. A man took me in and took care of me until I was strong enough to pay him back-"

"So you were someone's whore?"

"Levi," I groaned, "he had a beautiful wife and an adorable little boy. The payment was simple chores dumbass."


Levi pushed himself off of the wall and headed for the barracks, leaving me to follow behind silently.

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