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A/n: I don't want to ramble but thank you guys who have been reading and the few who have been voting (you know who you are <3 ) Comment any thoughts, I'd love to hear from my readers :)

I awoke to a shift in the body beside me and groaned when a voice pierced the cold air.

"It's time to return," Levi said softly.

My eyes opened lazily and I glanced up at the man sitting in front of me. A few strands of his hair stuck up oddly, obviously out of place and his eyes seemed to hold a hint of sorrow. As I pushed myself into a sitting position, the horror of the events that occurred only the day before finally hit me like a brick wall. Levi seemed to notice my sudden shift of emotions and his expression turned grim. 

"How many?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know yet."

I nodded stiffly and took a deep breath to ease my panic before moving closer to the corporal and pulling him into a frantic embrace. He froze for a moment but stroked my hair gently as I cried silently into his chest. No words were exchanged until we pulled apart and stood, slightly wary.

"I'm so glad you're safe Levi," I said earnestly.

He nodded and pulled me against him again, this time holding me like I was a lifeline for a moment before releasing me shakily. I planted a light kiss on his cheek and moved some of his stray hair back into place. With a small smile I turned on my heel and left the stall, grabbing the bridle for Tempest before entering the stall next to the one we slept in. Everyone had started to file out of the compound, all looking weary and most soaked in blood. Levi stood beside me protectively as everyone prepared to depart. Erwin gave some sort of speech but I merely stared blankly until it was time to leave. As Levi's horse had been lost, he shifted uncomfortably while everyone mounted or partnered up with someone who had a mount.

"Come on Levi. Don't be stupid, of course you can ride with me," I laughed, leading Tempest out of the dark stall and into the light. 

Levi nodded curtly and lifted me onto Tempest easily. Despite the scent of blood making him slightly anxious, the stallion stood still as the corporal mounted behind me. When everyone was ready to depart, Erwin gave a shout and began the heavy hearted ride home. Tempest broke into his fast, trotting gait excitedly as we rode. Levi had his arms wrapped around my waist loosely, but I could tell that he was tense as we traveled through titan infested land. He only relaxed when the walls came into view. 

"Back to the cage," I muttered under my breath before riding up beside Erwin.

Despite the solemn mood of everyone,  the horses were eager to get home. Tempest was begging to speed up with every stride. 

"Since the path is clear, can we run ahead?" I asked.

Erwin eyed my anxious horse before surveying the land before us. After confirming that the clearing was void of any danger, he gave a sharp nod.

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