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(Skylar's POV)

Mind you, I am well aware that a dark alley in the Underground is by far the worst place for a woman to be, however; my main priority was escaping the baker I had just stolen a loaf of bread from. The alley was not much darker than the rest of this horrid place, so my eyes adjusted quickly but not fast enough as it would seem.

A grunt echoed across the sides of the surrounding buildings as I ran into something -or should I say someone.

"Crap..." I muttered, glancing up at the person I just slammed into and backing up a few feet.

He was about my height, with steel grey eyes and messy jet black hair. (A/n: I WONDER WHO GUYS)

"What the hell do you think you-"

The boy was cut off by shouts coming from near the entrance to the alley. I clutched the loaf of bread to my chest and turned my back toward him to face the men I knew would be coming through the alley any second.

"If you don't want to end up with the same fate as I have then I suggest you go," I warned, glancing back at the stoic boy before turning my attention towards the alley entrance once again.

As the large man I had stolen the bread from earlier rounded the corner, two arms wrapped themselves around my waist and I felt myself become weightless as I was violently jerked upwards. The boy who had been standing behind me was now gripping me tightly with one arm and attempting to use 3DMG with only his other hand.

"This isn't working," he muttered as we crashed onto the roof of a nearby building.

"You think?" I hissed, still keeping my arms tightly wrapped around the bread.

"Tch," he rolled his eyes and glared at me.

The tile beneath my feet crunched and slid slightly as I struggled to my feet after being flung onto the roof when we landed. Both of my arms ached and blood was dripping from somewhere on my forehead across my vision, with each drop coming uncomfortably close to dropping into my left eye.

"If you want to escape those pigs I suggest you drop the bread and climb onto my back," he suggested, taking a step towards me with a hand reaching towards the loaf.

I hissed and pulled my jeweled dagger out of my belt with one hand, the other gripping the bread even tighter.

"I can hold on to you and the bread," I stated, putting the knife away as he took a step back.

As soon as I did so he was in front of me, glaring intensely with his own knife to my neck.

"Draw on me again and I will not hesitate," he spat, pressing the blade against my throat.

I kept my composure and stood silently, ready to fight the man who was probably my only escape. If I was to kill him however, I could always just take the gear and leave. I was out of practice with it but I had some when I was younger and able to use my innocent looks to my advantage. The boy's glare became more menacing by the second as I sent it directly back at him.

"Look-" he started, tearing his gaze from mine.

Immediately, I smacked him as hard as I could with the loaf of bread as a distraction and knocked his blade out of his hand.

"I don't appreciate a knife at my throat."

"I don't enjoy being assaulted with bread."

Sighing, I leaned down and grabbed the knife before handing it back to the man and leaping onto his back before he could decide to leave me behind. Yes, the bread was still in a vice grip. As he leapt off the edge of the building, the feeling of weightlessness returned. Swinging between buildings was beginning to make me sick as we arrived at whatever destination he chose. I guessed he would not bring me to the place he lived as a safety precaution. No one could be trusted in the Underworld. What I was not yet aware of, is that those above are no more worthy of trust than those below the surface.

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