Unexpected Freedom

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A/n: Comment your thoughts. Mind you, this is before Levi was able to fight really well as you may have discovered when he was beaten last chapter due to bread.

(Skylar's POV)

It had been a month since I had seen Levi, the boy who saved my life. Not that I would ever admit that. I was a skilled fighter but famine and the lack of sunlight had depleted my strength to the point that i could no longer fight off those who tried to attack me. I could not bare to think I had become so reliant on the short boy in the short few weeks we had known each other. That was the reason I was standing at the stairs to the world above, about to make an attempt at freedom. As much as I missed the days I spent with the annoying clean freak, this had to be done. I had to at least try.

"I won't survive much longer down here," I reminded myself, trying to shake away the thoughts of Levi and focus on the task at hand.

I knew the guards would be changing shortly based off of the knowledge I had gathered over the course of the past month. I had no plan other than run out when the guards were changing. Not the smartest plan but I was desperate. Even if I get dragged straight back down here, at least I will have been reminded what the outside world looks like.

"Oi! Let's go," I heard one of the guards tell his companion.

I was almost certain I would end up like all of the men and women I had seen make a break for the exit only to be brought back moments later.

"It would seem that I have become just as insane as them," I sighed, rounding the corner and climbing up the stairs as silently as I could.

As I was about to reach the top few steps, I was brought to the ground. I had not yet been able to see over the top of the staircase.

"Skylar," my attacker whispered.

Grunting, I turned my body around on the steps to see Levi standing over me as he held me against the steps.

"I never took you as stupid enough to attempt to waltz out of the Underground," he said.

I stayed silent and shook my head at him. He did not understand. I needed to see the sun. I had to get out before I drove myself mad down here.

"Let go," I whispered as the wheels of a carriage could be heard at the stairwell entrance above.

I felt his grip on my arms stiffen.

"Levi. Let me go," I spat, trying to wiggle my way out of his grip by violently squirming.

He stood as if he was made of stone. My chance of escaping was being taken from me by this boy I hardly knew.

"Hey!" a voice rang out from the top of the stairs.

This was it. My window of time had slammed shut, leaving me in this hellhole.

"No..." I murmured, letting my body go limp as Levi released me to draw his knife on the man who headed down the steps. The tall brunette seemed unfazed by the weapon and simply continued towards us.

"Skylar. Run," he commanded monotonously.

I tried to move. I truly did but my body refused to allow me to do so much as blink. Levi glanced back and forth between me and the man, who had stopped in his tracks.

"Hey boss. We might have just found what we came here for," the man yelled before charging Levi, a knife of his own now in his hand.

I leapt to my feet at the sight and ran towards the two men as Levi turned to focus on the newcomer. Levi's eyes were forced into small slits as the man stepped aside, allowing the sunlight to impair his vision. Instantly, the brunette brought Levi to the ground.

"No!" I yelped as Levi's head was slammed against the top of steps.

I reached the top of the steps and closed my eyes while knocking the man off of Levi, allowing the rest of my senses to take over as I knew the moment my eyes opened I would be distracted and defeated the same way Levi was. The sound of a blade cutting through the air came from my left, making me duck. I felt the displacement of air above my head as the brunette's arm swung over me with the knife.

"Michael. That is what we came for so stop trying to kill her," a raspy voice came from straight ahead.

Instinctively, I charged at the origin of the voice only to be stopped in my tracks by the sound of Levi gasping. My eyes opened in panic and I was blinded by the light, only able to see the silhouette of a man outside. Hissing, I turned my body to face where Levi was. The brunette who I assumed was Michael had his knife held against my savior's neck. Anger coursed through my body as Michael slammed his head against the stair again, causing a drop of blood to drip down the blade and onto the top of the stair. Levi's blood.

The brunette grinned as I got back on my feet and stumbled towards them, only for the man with the raspy voice to grab my arm.

"Skylar isn't it? Congratulations. We have received the order to grant you citizenship," the man stated.

Levi groaned in pain as the knife was pulled away from his neck.

"I'll make this simple for you: come with us or we kill this Underground Rat," Michael spat.

This was part of the plan anyways wasn't it? I was going to return to the world above for a short time. This was just, a more permanent solution. Besides, I could not let the man who saved me die on my watch.

"Done. Now tell your pet to back off," I said to the older man, not daring to turn back around and face the sunlight.

This earned a scowl from Michael as the man chuckled.

"You heard her Michael."

The brunette spat on the ground next to Levi's head before stalking past me. I prepared a sickly sweet smile before spinning on my heel and facing the blinding light.

"Skylar," Levi coughed, causing me to glance back at his fallen figure.

He was reaching towards me with one arm and his eyes were glossed over, but I knew he would be alright. He has survived much worse.

"I don't want to leave for good, but I hope this makes us even."

I gave him a soft smile before turning around and walking towards the carriage. A warm tear escaped my eye, only to be wiped away as I climbed into the carriage behind the older man.

"Where will you take me?" I questioned, my voice barely louder than a whisper.

"Shiganshina. You have been gifted a small amount of money to get started but it won't last long. You'll need to find a job and a place to stay."

I nodded and was silent once more. My head rested on the side of the carriage and my eyes traveled to the scenery. The houses here were much larger and less run down than those beneath the surface. My dream was coming true. If only it could be shared with my stoic friend. Little did I know, I was only being moved from one hell to another.

A/n: Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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