The Fall

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It had been years since the incident with Levi left me cold and confused outside of his door, but the pain had not faded as he continued to distance himself from me. While I was still considered part of his squad, he spent most of his time alone and was closer to the other squad members. Fortunately, Tempest had shaped up quite nicely and was the most athletic of all of the Corps horses. Although unable to pull carts, he made up for it by being my personal mount and always alerting me of danger. Soon he would reach the peak of his strength where I planned to keep him as long as possible. One day as I sat in the grass beside the horse, he started pawing at the ground nervously in warning which I found confusing as we were inside of wall Rose.

"Tempest?" I questioned as Levi walked by silently.

Soon after, a loud booming sound shook the ground beneath our feet and a bright light flashed from the direction of Shiganshina.

"What?" I whispered in disbelief, leaping onto Tempest with only a rope wrapped loosely around his neck.

"Where are you going?" the corporal asked gruffly, stepping in front of my mount.

"Take a wild guess," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"You are just going to go riding off with no clue as to what that was?" he questioned.

"You have not spoken much more than a sentence to me in years and now you decide to talk? Don't pretend to be worried for my safety. I know you are curious too, you're welcome to come along," I chuckled, shrugging lightly as he stepped out of the way.

"Suit yourself," I muttered, only to be interrupted by him leading over a sturdy black stallion who was already tacked up.

I waited impatiently as he pulled himself into the saddle, taking off as soon as I saw that he was settled.

"Eren," I muttered, urging Tempest into his gaited trot as we covered ground faster than the corporal's horse could gallop.

The world around us turned into a blur and I faintly heard protests from Levi as I leaned forward to ask Tempest for a flat run, determined to reach the Jaeger family. As we approached wall Maria, the smoke rising from behind it was not a promising site. Against the protests of the guards, I galloped through the gates and into Shiganshina, narrowly avoiding the sea of people who were running the opposite direction.

"EREN!" I screamed, reaching the bend his house stood beyond only to nearly ram into Hans who held Mikasa and Eren on his shoulders.

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