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My heart lurched in my chest as Levi and I rode up to the training corps barracks where the cadets were practicing once again, the watchful gaze of Shadis looming over them. My body moved almost robotically towards the instructor, struggling to keep a grimace from crossing my features as I was reminded that this could be the last visit I would have with the cadets. Once beside Shadis, I gave him a curt nod and gestured to Eren, Mikasa, and Armin who were not yet aware of my presence.

"May I borrow them for a while?" I asked quietly, a soft smile gracing my lips.

The man tilted his head curiously, but nodded as Levi approached to stand beside me. Once the permission had been explicitly given I walked over to the three cadets, my head held high and gaze locked on them.

"Cadets," Levi barked, catching the attention of everyone on the field.

Eren's eyes immediately locked with mine as the corporal waved off the attention of the others and ordered them to return to what they had been doing. The three cadets in question stood obediently still as I approached, their faces nearly glowing with suppressed excitement which was unusual to see in Mikasa.

"Hey guys," I greeted, stopping in my tracks as the three of them saluted in unison.

For a moment the teenagers in front of me were replaced by their younger counterparts and I could only see them the way they used to be: innocent and naive. Levi's hand on my shoulder shook me from my daze, returning me to the present. Once my head was clear, I smiled at the cadets before spreading my arms invitingly.

Almost instantly, Eren's strong arms were wrapped around me. The brunette was soon followed by Armin and Mikasa who joined in, creating a suffocating group hug that caused Levi to scoff. It took all of my self control to remain calm as the thoughts of tomorrow's expedition plagued me.

"What are you doing here? More Survey Corps business?" Eren questioned after we separated.

"Just wanted to see you guys, since it's been a while," I corrected, reaching up to ruffle his hair playfully and laughing as I realized that he had grown far taller than me.

"When's the next expedition?" he asked cheerfully, his eyes still gleaming.

"Tomorrow," I said quietly.

The merriment was drained from the cadets nearly instantly as they averted their gazes to the grassy ground.

"I wish I could go with you," Eren sighed, causing my entire body to go rigid as my mind formed horrific images of the young boy in the grasp of a titan.

"Soon we'll be choosing our branches, so I'll be there next time to look after you," he stated, determination dripping from his tone.

"Eren-" I started, glancing at Mikasa and Armin pleadingly only for them to shake their heads mournfully as though they had already tried to change his mind on the subject.

"But for now," Eren continued, turning his gaze to Levi and straightening his posture so that he nearly towered over the still nonchalant corporal.

The ravenette merely crossed his arms and stared Eren down despite his height.

"You're Humanities' Strongest. Take care of her," the boy commanded, causing the rest of us to tense in anticipation at his blatant rudeness towards his commander.


I let out a sharp gasp as Eren grabbed the front of the corporal's shirt, clenching it in his grasp.

"Eren!" I warned, just as Levi flipped him onto the ground mercilessly.

"I plan to," Levi stated coldly, returning to his previous stance but staring down at the boy who lay dazed in the grass.

Mikasa nearly lunged for the corporal, only to be held in place by a warning glare from me.

"I'll be fine. There's no need for either of you to 'take care of me' and there is no excuse for you to disrespect your superior," I scolded, reaching out to pull Eren onto his feet.

"If she doesn't make it back, I'll kill you," Eren hissed, stepping towards Levi once again but stopping as I stood between them and placed a hand against his chest.

"You wont have to," the corporal drawled, "If she doesn't make it back safely it will be because I'm dead."

Eren took in a shaky breath to regain his composure before taking a step back and saluting the corporal respectfully.

"Apologies, Corporal. Thank you," he said calmly, eliciting a sharp nod from the man in question.

I smiled quietly as Levi glanced at me with an eyebrow raised in slight amusement at the boy's actions. The silent message did not go unnoticed, and the realization caused the three cadets to relax considerably.

"Alright, you guys need to get back to training. Can't have the other cadets whining about you getting time off," I smiled, pulling the three into a warm embrace and squeezing gently.

"Visit as soon as you get back," Eren ordered, his voice muffled.

"As if you won't see me," I teased, "I know you still wait in the streets when you hear of our return."

He grinned sheepishly as I retreated from the cadets' grasp to shoot them all a reassuring smile.

"Get back to work before I have you spar with Levi," I laughed, shooing them all away before hooking my arm in the crook of the corporal's elbow.

We watched in comfortable silence and walked over to Tempest as the cadets returned to their previous duties. The cheerful smile fell from my face as soon as we were out of sight behind a building, and it did not go unnoticed by the corporal who quickly grabbed my arm.

"Thank you," I said gratefully, turning to face him as he raised an eyebrow in question.

"You were nicer than usual, and you didn't break his arm. So, thank you Levi," I repeated, planting a kiss on his cheek before turning back to Tempest.

"Oi," the corporal called, spinning me around by my arm.

"What?" I questioned.

"You missed," he mumbled, his eyes boring into mine.

"I don't think I did," I teased.

The smirk was wiped from my face nearly immediately as I was pinned against the cold wall of the building, the corporal's lips dangerously close to my own. With a shrug, I closed the distance between us and gave him a short kiss.


A loud shout from a few yards away caught my attention, but the corporal still held me in place as I realized the shout had come from Eren who had turned the corner.

"I knew it!" he shouted, pumping a fist into the air.

"You followed us?" I chuckled.

"You were behind here for awfully long and its almost break. Figured you wouldn't want some random cadet walking into this," he explained, gesturing at the two of us.

"Go away, brat," Levi warned, his gaze never leaving my own.

"Or what?" Eren sassed.

The corporal flipped him off before pressing our lips together once more, making it impossible to keep from smiling into the kiss as the cadet pretended to gag and left. Once he was gone, I carefully parted from Levi and slid from his grasp with a smirk.

"Do you mind if I stay in your room tonight? We both need to get some sleep before tomorrow and I know you'll stay up all night doing paperwork if I don't stop you."

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