My New Family

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A/n: Any thoughts? Comment :) I finished school and all my finals Thursday. It's finally over!

(Skylar's POV)

My heavy legs only allowed me to trudge down the busy streets of Shiganshina. I surely looked like a wreck with my tattered clothes and dirty face. It had only been a week and my money had nearly been completely spent on food. It seemed as though I was simply moved from the streets of the Underground to those of the surface. The life was similar, however; the sunlight was finally becoming normal to me. My eyes were very grateful. Despite the fact that my lifestyle had not changed, my body had become slightly stronger due to the light.

"Damn old man couldn't give me enough money to last more than a week," I spat, staring at the ground as I walked to keep from tripping.

Despite my attempt, my left foot dragged on the ground too low which sent my body crashing into a wall. Well, I had hoped it was a wall.


The wall and I toppled to the ground.

"Sorry," I rasped, my voice cracking due to dehydration.

The wall said nothing as I shakily rose to my feet and backed away. It was then that I took a long look at the wall-person. IT was a tall man with straight dark hair that was split down the middle. The sunlight reflected on his glasses shielded his eyes from view. His face was somewhat plain, with a very light beard and mustache. At first sight he could only be described as a gentleman.

"You alright Miss?" he asked, standing beside me while rubbing his head.

His grey eyes pierced my brown ones as he took a step closer.

"My name is Grisha Jaeger," he said, holding out his hand.

I stared at his hand for a moment before reaching out and taking it in my own.

"Skylar," I replied.

I did not leave my last name out in an attempt to be rude. In truth, I have never known what it is. I had lived in the Underground almost my entire life and had little memory of the world above.

After our hands disconnected, I began continuing my trudge down the road.

"Where are you off to?" he called out, jogging up beside me.

I stopped dead in my tracks for a moment before laughing and shaking my head.

"I have no idea. Hopefully to shelter."

"Well if you're looking for a place to stay then I suggest you head this way," Grisha advised, gesturing down a street that crossed the one we were currently on.

"And why is that?" I questioned.

"You could stay with my family and I. As long as when you are fit and able you work to earn your keep there should be no problems. Although you'd have to be alright with children as my son is still just a baby."

His kindness was strange. It made him quite different than others. Different could mean dangerous, however; I could not survive much longer out here alone. The high concentration of Garrison troops made it impossible to steal what I needed.

"Why would you invite a stranger into your home," I questioned, "it is quite possible that I am dangerous."

"Not in the state you are in. I think you would nearly pass out trying to swat a fly," he chuckled.

I nodded silently. He wasn't wrong. Surviving had been much easier in the Underground. Grisha reached out and took a loose hold of my arm, which resulted in me immediately twisting my arm out of his grip and backing up a step.

"Sorry. Instincts," was all I said.

He simply smiled and put his hands in the air in a 'surrender' position before gesturing for me to follow him as he turned and headed down the street. On the way to his home he bought a loaf of fresh bread and handed it to me, which caused a large grin to spread across my face. When we reached his house, Grisha knocked on the door once before entering.

"Carla! I'm back," he called out, causing a woman with long black hair and brown eyes to enter the room.

Her hair was tied off to the side, with only a few loose hairs left around her ears and forehead. She was dressed in a cream sweater with ruffled sleeves and had a white apron over her long red skirt and tan boots.

"Who is this?" she asked, smiling sweetly.

"Her name is Skylar. She does not have a place to stay and as you can tell she is starving. With your permission I'd like to allow her to stay here, at least for a while, and when she is strong enough she can work to earn her stay. Maybe as a maid of sorts or a babysitter for Eren when he is a bit older."

I kept my face blank and held my breath as I waited for her response.

"Of course!" she announced, grabbing my arm and dragging me into another room before I could escape her grip.

"I'll prepare a hot bath for you in a moment. First I'd like you to meet our son, Eren."

Carla left the room for a moment, allowing me to glance around the room. In the middle was a medium sized bed, big enough for two grown people but not much more. To the left of the bed was a small crib and there was an average sized dresser off to the side of the room. A nightstand with a few large candles sat directly next to the bed.

It wasn't long before Carla returned, carrying a blanket-wrapped bundle in her arms.

"This is Eren," she said, smiling down at the baby.

He had bright green eyes and a small patch of brown hair on the top of his head. As soon as he saw me, he lifted his arms out towards me and giggled. The movement brought a small, nearly unnoticeable smile to my face as the baby and I made eye contact.

"He likes you!" Carla said excitedly.

We stood for a few more seconds before she laid him down in his crib.

"Now. It's about time you took a bath!"

I laughed slightly.

"Is that your way of informing me that I smell?"

"Most definitely," Carla smiled, before breaking out in contagious laughter.

We both held our stomachs laughing together for a few minutes before she left the room to ready a bath. I had the feeling that we would be good friends, despite her being years older than me. As comfortable as this seemed, The amount of trust they put in me made me slightly nervous and suspicious. People on the streets are constantly passed up by people just like this, so what made them different?

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